2021 Halcyon Incubator Fellowship for Early-Stage Social Entrepreneurs

Deadline: April 9, 2021.

Halcyon Incubator Fellowship! Halcyon equips early-stage social entrepreneurs, like you, with the support needed to transform audacious ideas into scalable and sustainable ventures.

They do this by providing space, community, and access:  The physical and mental space to focus on your venture. Connection to a community of entrepreneurs + world class-class experts. Access to a thriving innovation ecosystem and vital pro-bono resources. 


To be eligible for the Halcyon Incubator, you:

  • Must be the CEO or primary decision-maker for the venture’s development and management
  • Must be able to make a full-time commitment to work on the venture during the five-month residency phase (September 2021-January 2022)
  • Must be able to postpone any undergraduate or graduate course work during the residency phase
  • Must already live or work in the U.S. or be able to obtain a visa for the residency phase
  • Must be fluent in English
  • Must be at least 21 years of age by the start of the program

To be eligible for the Halcyon Incubator, your venture:

  • Must be an original idea of the applicant(s)
  • Must be in startup idea, MVP, or pilot phase
  • Must have less than $500,000 annual revenue
  • Must be an independent or autonomous venture that is not under the direction of an existing organization
  • Must have plans for a sustainable business model to generate revenue by selling a core product or service
  • Can be a for-profit, hybrid, or undecided venture, as long as the core mission is to create measurable social change
  • Cannot be a 501(c)(3) non-profit venture
  • Can apply with up to two Co-Founders who meet the above eligibility requirements.



The physical and mental space you need tofocus on your venture and achieve your full potential.

  • Five months of free housing at the historic Halcyon House in Washington, D.C.
  •  Eighteen months of free workspace at Halcyon, followed by access to an affordable coworking space in Washington, D.C.
  •  Shared meeting spaces, including formal board rooms, and creative spaces
  • The mental space to think, brainstorm, learn, and receive supportive feedback 


The journey of an entrepreneur is long and winding. You will experience ups and downs; we understand that and are here to provide you with the support you need along the wayHalcyon fellows join a thriving community of inspiring creators, innovators, and changemakers.

  •  Live and work alongside a diverse cohort of founders who quickly become consultants, confidants, and close friends.
  •  Be welcomed into a community of 100+ Halcyon Incubator Fellows who have come before you, are cheering for you, and are prepared to shine a light on the path ahead of you.
  •   Be paired with an experienced, industry-specific mentor, who provides weekly guidance, accountability to achieve goals, and support during the residency phase.
  •  Be surrounded by opportunities to build your network and to nurture relationships with current and past Fellows, and Halcyon’s broader network, including world-class mentors, advisors, seasoned company builders, and leaders from across industries.


It takes a village to bring your innovation to life. We understand that.We connect you with the ecosystem required to build, grow, and sustain a social enterprise, including key partners to advise, directly support, and provide crucial exposure for your venture.

  •  $10,000 stipend to cover living expenses at Halcyon during the residency phase.
  • Opportunities to present directly to ecosystem stakeholders, press, and potential funders at kickoff and final showcase events
  • Access to a wide range of innovators, influencers, and community figures through conferences and events
  •  More/more than 100 hours of:
  1. Strategy and operations consulting provided by Deloitte
  2. Legal and business advice from Arnold and Porter
  3. Technical advice and hosting credits from Amazon Web Services
  4. One-on-one leadership coaching provided in partnership with The HR Sage


Click here to start your application today for the Fall 2021 Cohort.


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