2020 CAORC Multi-Country Research Fellowship for U.S. Doctoral Candidate
Deadline: January 23, 2020.
The Multi-Country Research Fellowship supports advanced regional or trans-regional research in the humanities, social sciences, or allied natural sciences for U.S. doctoral candidates, and postdoctoral scholars. Preference will be given to candidates examining comparative and/or cross-regional research. Applicants are eligible to apply as individuals or in teams. Scholars must carry out research in two or more countries outside the U.S., at least one of which hosts a participating American overseas research center.
Applicants must be U.S. citizens.
Fellowship awards will not exceed $11,000.
Funding is not available for research conducted in the U.S.
Group projects are admissible and will be evaluated as a single application. Groups should submit one (1) application for the group project and Curriculum Vitae for each member of the group. Two (2) letters of recommendation are required for the group. If awarded, a single grant of $11,000 will be issued to the group.
It is not required that you be affiliated with a U.S. academic institution to apply. As long as you are a PhD candidate at an accredited university, or have already earned your PhD, you are eligible for the fellowships.
PhD candidates must be ABD (all but dissertation) by May 2020.
If you have held a Multi-Country Fellowship in the past, you must wait 3 years before you are eligible to apply again.
Minority scholars and scholars from Minority Serving Institutions are strongly encouraged to apply.
Approximately eight awards of up to $11,000 each will be given. Funding is provided by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
1. Applications can be accessed via orcfellowships.fluidreview.com. You must sign up for an account to access the application materials. This will allow you to save and return to your application before submitting. Please save your login/password information for future applications.
2. Project Description: In 1500 words or less, please describe the nature of your proposed project and your competence to carry out the required research. State your research question and the methods and procedures you will use to conduct your research. Be sure to describe the proposed methodology in clear terms. Give the reasons why your project requires your presence in the countries indicated, and note the facilities (e.g. libraries, museums, archives, field sites) that you plan to use while conducting your research. What relationship will you have with the host-country overseas research center(s)? Finally, indicate the extent to which you have investigated other funding sources.
3. Project Bibliography/Literature Review: You must submit a one-page bibliography or literature review outlining your project resources. CAORC does not have a preference for one format over another. Please clarify primary and secondary sources, and – where applicable – locations of listed material. Please note that additional pages will not be submitted to the review committee.
4. Letters of Recommendation: You must have two (2) letters of recommendation. You will be able to send a link to your recommenders via the online grant portal, Fluid Review, by entering their contact details and they will then be able to upload their letters. All references must be in English. Recommendations letters will be confidential in the system. The applicant is responsible for checking in with their recommenders to ensure the letters are submitted in time.
5. PhD candidates must have one letter from an academic advisor with a signed Academic Advisor Form. Please inform your academic advisor that the will need to complete the form the CAORC online grant portal, Fluid Review.
6. Curriculum Vitae: Three (3) pages maximum. Additional pages will not be submitted to the review committee. Please ensure that prior awards and language capacity are clearly noted.
7. Transcripts: PhD candidates only. Please submit transcripts from your most recent institution.