2020 British Council Venice Fellowship Programme
Deadline: Unspecified.
The Venice Fellowships is a unique opportunity for students and researchers to spend a month in Venice during one of the world’s most significant art and architecture biennales.
Fellows choose themes, which are investigated through site-specific and archival research focused either on the biennale or within Venice itself. Selected submissions will be published online, on the Fellowships Blog. The Fellows and partners are encouraged to share and showcase the resulting research responses. There will also be an opportunity for fellows to present their work in a post-Biennale UK exhibition.
1. Fellowship is open to students, graduates and researchers.
2. Find out if your institution is interested in partnering. Ask your institution internally and direct them to the Become a Partner section.
3. If your university or organisation becomes a partner, you should contact your head of school, dean or international office to find out how to apply for the Fellowships
Fellows will have the chance to:
- Spend a month in Venice during a major international cultural event
- Conduct independent research in and around Venice, enhancing current studies and professional practice
- Receive training on invigilation and public engagement in exhibitions
- Be empowered to communicate ideas to a diverse, international audience
- Develop a creative and professional network across the UK and internationally
- Approximately 70 Fellows will be supported with a grant to cover their travel, accommodation and living costs in Venice for one month, which is funded by participating institutions. Candidates are selected via a competitive application process initially through their institution and then a further selection process via video applications with the British Council.
- Successful Fellows attend training in London before embarking on a month in Venice with peers from across the UK. There are 7 fellowship groups in total across the Biennale period.