2020 AAAS-TWAS Regional Workshop Course on Science Diplomacy
Deadline: March 5, 2020.
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Washington DC, USA, and The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Trieste, Italy are seeking candidates to participate in the course on science diplomacy to be held in Trieste, Italy, from 10 to 13 July 2020.
Two trends are becoming clear in the early part of this century; the majority of challenges facing society have a transboundary, international, or global context; and science, technology and their applications underpin the cause or the cure to these challenges. As a result, science and technology are becoming ever more embedded into the foreign policies and international relations of nations. At the same time, cooperation in science and technology is increasingly benefiting from both the technical and political interactions between states.
The workshop is designed for
(1) young scientists (below the age of 40) living and working in developing countries whose research and wider engagement has brought them into the international policy-making arena,
(2) policymakers and diplomats interested in some of the central science-based themes that might influence their work,
(3) research institution administrators and research funders focused on identifying ways to build international networks
(4) representatives from NGOs and other sectors working at the science-diplomacy interface.
(5) Alumni will join a global network of young leaders and innovators reaching across borders to address societal challenges and become agents of change in their countries and sectors.
Travel, accommodation and visa expenses will be provided to the selected participants.
- The completed application should be sent via the online system ONLY. Submission of applications by email cannot be accepted.
- To access the online application form click HERE.
- An expert committee will be established by TWAS and AAAS to review the applications received.
- Successful candidates will be informed in April.
- For more information on the science and diplomacy programme, please see http://twas.org/science-diplomacy.
- For any queries contact sciencediplomacy@twas.org