2019 UNDP HackaDev National Youth Social Innovation Challenge
Deadline: July 21, 2019.
HackaDev National Youth Social Innovation Challenge is Sri Lanka’s premier platform for youth to become social entrepreneurs through contributing to solve development challenges in the country.
Open Challenge welcomes solutions or ideas for any of the development challenges and the selected teams will receive incubation support and seed funding at the final stage to develop their solutions into successful social enterprises.
- Minimum of 3 members and maximum of 5 members can be in a team
- All the team members should be over 15 and under 29 years of age at the closing date for applications.
- Teams must consist of a minimum of one female team member.
- To encourage diversity, teams with young people with disabilities and/or ethnic diversity and gender balance will be given preference within the selection process
1. Open challenge: A total of 9 ideas will be selected for the social enterprise incubation programme and will be eligible for seed funding.
2. Teams will have to agree to a milestone based 6 months incubation plan managed by an entity commissioned by UNDP to be eligible for seed funding and incubation support.
Thematic Challenge welcomes ideas and solutions for specific thematic issues presented by different UN agencies. Selected teams get the opportunity to further develop their solutions as a social enterprise with the support of the relevant UN agency
- Minimum of 3 members and maximum of 5 members can be in a team
- All the team members should be over 15 and under 29 years of age at the closing date for applications.
- Teams must consist of a minimum of one female team member.
- To encourage diversity, teams with young people with disabilities and/or ethnic diversity and gender balance will be given preference within the selection process
1. Thematic challenge: A total of 1 idea per theme will be selected for the social enterprise incubation programme and will be eligible for seed funding
2. Teams will have to agree to a milestone based 6 months incubation plan managed by an entity commissioned by UNDP and the relevant UN agency to be eligible for seed funding and incubation support