2019 Mapping the Global Dimensions of Policy Conference: Call for papers
Deadline: November 30, 2018.
The Department of Political Science at McMaster University, in conjunction with the Canada Research Chair in Public Policy and Globalization, Institute for Globalization and the Human Condition, Engineering and Public Policy Program, and the Centre for Climate Change invite proposals speaking to the questions raised in the fields of Globalization and policy studies to be presented at Mapping the Global Dimensions of Policy 8: Global Policy and the Discontented.
In an age of increasing disenchantment with existing forms of global politics and international policy coordination, how are we to understand the role global relationships play in policymaking? How should academics and policymakers navigate this new landscape? Twenty years after the publication of Saskia Sassen’s Globalization and its Discontents, Susan Strange’s Mad Money, and John Ruggie’s Constructing the World Polity, the assumption of globalization as a positive force is undergoing re-evaluation in the public realm.
Mapping the Global Dimensions of Policy 8: Global Policy and the Discontented, McMaster University’s eighth annual Graduate Conference, invites interventions speaking to the questions raised in the fields of Globalization and policy studies. The conference will be held March 8-9, 2019 at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. We welcome graduate students from all disciplines to submit proposals for a paper or poster presentation addressing any aspect of public policy that has a global dimension.
This year we are excited to be able to offer participants the opportunity to submit their papers for publication in McMaster Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition’s refereed Working Paper Series. As with past years, each participant will benefit from in-depth feedback on their written work and presentation from a faculty discussant. The conference will also include a professional development workshop designed specifically for graduate students.
They welcome graduate students from all disciplines to submit proposals for a paper or poster presentation addressing any aspect of public policy that has a global dimension.
They also welcome proposals for complete panels. If you have any questions about a proposal or topic, please feel free to email globalization.conference@gmail.com and they would be happy to discuss it with you.