2019 British Council Nigeria Open Call – New Narratives Africa Research
Deadline: July 29, 2019.
Research on perceptions between people in countries of Africa and the United Kingdom shows that people of the UK generally have outdated views of Africa. These perceptions centre mainly on war, famine, poverty and corruption. While these issues are still there, today. Africa is about so much more – vibrancy, development, innovation and resilience.
They are looking for a Research Company based in any of the countries in Africa or the United Kingdom, to develop some insight for use in establishing the Theoretical Framework of a planned programme to support more diverse, alternative narratives between young people in countries of Africa and the UK.
The research design is expected to include:
1. Desk research: A comprehensive review of published research on the prevalent narratives between Africa and the UK in (digital) media and other offline channels.
2. Survey: An opinion survey that can be implemented across countries in Africa and the UK by telephone, face-to-face, or online. This will capture key data points on young peoples’ consumption patterns of narratives across both places, desirable narratives and other points as outlined in section 2.
3. In-depth discussions: Qualitative research with young people and other stakeholders to explore in-depth themes emerging from the survey data.
4. Analysis of data, conclusions and recommendations
5. The consultants will be expected to lead the assignment, but also to work alongside British Council staff in the UK and across Africa to develop the methodology required as the research develops.
The British Council is looking to appoint a reputable research provider with the following qualities:
- Strong qualitative and quantitative research portfolio specifically in relation to perception, (digital) media consumption, communications and youth in the UK and/or countries of Africa.
- Expertise in conducting interviews and identifying case studies – evidenced by previous research projects and consultancy
- A strong dedicated team with suitable experience and qualifications
- Knowledge and expertise of (digital) media and communications trends in countries of Africa and the UK
- Offering good value for money
- Capacity to deliver within the timeframes set out (two to three months from early September 2019) The final methodology used for this research project will be agreed by the appointed researchers in consultation with the British Council. We are keen to encourage as much youth involvement with the research from start to finish.
Interested consultants are requested to respond to the tender document with details on how you propose to approach the research objectives. All proposals received should include:
1. Evidence of relevant knowledge and experience
2. Details of approach and methodology to be used
3. Qualifications/experience of the team members who will be involved in this project
4. Detailed timescale
5. Detailed costing plan
The deadline for clarification questions are 29 July 2019 (17.00 GMT +1) and the deadline for completed responses by potential suppliers is 19 August 2019 (23.59 GMT +1)
Please submit your questions and completed response via the InTend porta – titled New Narratives Africa. The portal is https://in-tendhost.co.uk/britishcouncil/aspx/Tenders/Current