2020 Young Sustainable Impact (YSI) Innovation Program to Battle Corona-Virus
Deadline: March 20, 2020.
YSI innovation program that aims to use creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation-mindset to aid the government, health-workers, and everyone battling the virus.
Many problems are identified and is being worked on by professionals, but hundreds of issues are created in loneliness, economics, teaching and so much more. This program is for any and all solutions to real problems caused by the covid-19 crisis.
- People with teams and idea can apply
- People with ideas and no team can apply
- People with solutions can apply
- People with NO team and NO solution can also apply. You will be put in teams with the ones who have solutions or ideas.
- This is an online program, and all countries can apply and participate. You have to be over 16 years old.
- They will accept anyone who is good enough, who has a good idea or solution.
- are looking for both direct solutions to aid the people working in the front-line, information-spread and governments. But also in-direct solutions that can help with the problems that is happening due to the economic crisis, people helping other people with daily things etc.
- Each week start with a course and a set of tasks to focus on for the week.
- There will be peer-to-peer meetups where participants help each other.
- Expert-mentors will be ready to talk at set times each week.
- At the end of each week the teams will present what they have done.
- The teams with solutions that can truly help will be followed up and supported.