2020 One Young Wold invites OYW Ambassadors from European Countries to apply to Attend InterAction Council 37th Annual Plenary Meeting in Malta
Deadline: February 16, 2020.
The InterAction Council was established in 1983 as an independent international organization to mobilize the experience, energy and international contacts of a group of statesmen who have held the highest office in their own countries. Council members jointly develop recommendations and practical solutions for the political, economic and social problems confronting humanity.
The Council is unique in bringing together on a regular basis, and in an informal setting, members from among more than forty former heads of state or government. Council Members include: Bill Clinton, Gro Harlem Brundtland and P.J Patterson.
Serving in their individual capacities, the Council aims at fostering international co-operation and action in three priority areas:
- Peace and security
- World economic revitalization
- Universal ethical standards
The InterAction Council selects specific issues and develops proposals for action from these areas and communicates these proposals directly to government leaders, other national decision-makers, heads of international organizations and influential individuals around the world. Over the years, the Council has received support from many governments both from industrialized and developing countries and from foundations, corporations and individuals.
For its 37th Annual Plenary Meeting, the Council will convene to discuss and renew the Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities that was first proposed by the Council in 1997.
1. Open to One Young World Ambassadors
2. You must be based in Europe to be considered for this opportunity.
3. Applications from Ambassadors living outside Europe will not be considered.
The InterAction Council is pleased to welcome 5 One Young World Ambassadors to contribute to the 37th Plenary. We will prioritise applications from Ambassadors with expertise in (a) the environment, (b) social media, (c) privacy / big data, or (d) arms control.
Members of the One Young World Delegation will receive:
- Participation in the 37th Plenary of the InterAction Council and associated side events
- Accommodation in and catering in Valletta from 31 March to 2 April 2020
- Travel to and from Valletta. Your flight to and from Valletta must depart from and return to one and the same international airport
- Ground transportation in Valletta
- Ambassadors selected to join the delegation will be considered for specific opportunities to contribute to proceeding