2020 Melton Foundation Global Solvers Co-Lab Program for SDGs 13,5 & 3.
Deadline: January 31, 2020.
Launched in 2018, the Global Solvers Co-Lab convenes emerging leaders from across sectors and geographies to learn, collaborate, and co-create meaningful solutions to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on a local level with the global context in mind.
Building on decades of experience in Global Citizenship collaboration, the Melton Foundation together with Ernst-Abbe-Stiftung is launching the second iteration of the Global Solvers Co-Lab. The Co-Lab provides a platform for up to 20 young SDG practitioners to join hands, hearts, and minds to forge actionable pathways towards advancing sustainable development at scale.
Founded on a collaboration framework that embraces diversity, aspires equitable as well as sustainable solutions, and nourishes cross-boundary collaborations, the Co-Lab 2020 brings together emerging SDG champions to learn and build solutions to local and global issues concerning:
Based on the conviction that strength is born of diversity, we actively encourage applications from across cultures, sectors, backgrounds, and geographies. All applications need to meet the following expectations:
- The Co-Lab 2020 is focussed around SDG 13, 5, and 3, i.e Climate Action, Gender Equality, and Good Health and Well-Being, respectively. Applicants are required to have a clear understanding and tangible experience in these domains, along with a healthy portion of curiosity to learn and explore. Advanced knowledge about the SDGs 13, 5 and/or 3 is a nice to have, yet not required.
- Demonstrable commitment to and a track record of tackling issues that relate to the focus SDGs is a prerequisite for the Co-Lab – be it as a student leader, a volunteer, an activist, a (social) entrepreneur, an intrapreneur, a researcher, or as an engaged citizen.
- We strongly believe in the power of diversity. Therefore, we encourage applications from across cultures, sectors, backgrounds, and geographies, and we expect applicants to bring curiosity and the openness to work in a highly diverse setting.
- Because complex issues demand networked solutions, applicants must bring the willingness and drive to work collaboratively towards shared solutions, be self-starters and able to build partnerships to achieve substantial solutions – at the Co-Lab and beyond.
- At the Co-Lab, participants are co-creators as we unpack global issues and design tangible approaches to tackle them – at the grassroots level and/or a global scale. Clarity about the skills, know-how, and experiences you will bring to the CoLab, as well as a sense of what you hope to take away is key to making the Co-Lab effective and enriching for you and everyone else.
- Contents are best suited for students or early-career professionals between 20 – 30 years, who are looking to grow networks and capacity to become conscious and responsible change agents in their community and at a global level.
- Solid knowledge of the English language and strong communication skills are necessary to actively participate and interact throughout the Co-Lab.
Travel scholarships will be available to candidates who have been selected as participants of the Global Solvers Co-Lab: 15-5-3 UN-limited, especially those joining us from afar.
At the Global Solvers Co-Lab, everyone contributes. If selected as a participant, you will be expected to contribute your share in the form of a participation fee:
- Students/low-income: 100,- USD (equivalent to 90,- €)
- Working professionals: 200,- USD (equivalent to 180,- €)
This participation fee will give you access to sponsored lodging, meals, and all activities throughout the Co-Lab along a Certificate of Completion. In addition, travel scholarships will be available to candidates who have been selected as participants of the Global Solvers Co-Lab: 13-5-3 UN-limited.
OFFICIAL LINK: https://meltonfoundation.org/global-events/global-solvers-co-lab/colab2020/