2019 UNODC Education for Justice International High Level Conference

Deadline: May 31, 2019.

The Education for Justice (E4J) initiative seeks to promote a culture of lawfulness through education activities designed for primary, secondary and tertiary levels. We are excited to bring together policymakers and educators at our International High-Level Conference, “Educating for the Rule of Law: Inspire. Change. Together.” from 7-9 October 2019. The event convenes policymakers from different fields (such as Ministries of Education and Ministries of Justice), educators and academics to build bridges between these communities and discuss innovative ways to empower the next generation of change makers.



There will be three categories of applications, one for each of the education levels: primary, secondary and tertiary. If you are a student between the ages of 6-12 (primary), 13-18 (secondary) or 19-29 (tertiary) and believe strongly in the role of education for promoting the rule of law,

1. Primary level requirements: Submissions can include: speeches, artwork including drawings, paintings and songs. Criteria for evaluation include: relevance to E4J topics, connectivity to rule of law, and level of creativity.

2. Secondary and tertiary requirements: Submissions can include: speeches, essays, songs/spoken word, poetry, or digital photos. Criteria for evaluation include: relevance to E4J topics, connectivity to rule of law, and level of creativity.




The top five successful applications will be invited to the event. Flights, meals, accommodation and cost for transportation in Vienna will be financed in accordance with UN rules.



Candidates must fill out submission form A or submission form B no later than 31 May 2019:

Attachments exceeding the size of 10MB can also be sent via WeTransfer to unodc-e4j@un.org.




Click here to apply

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