2019 UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning Research Scholarships

Deadline: April 30, 2019.

In 2012, the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) launched a new initiative offering scholarships to researchers and education professionals from UNESCO Member States. Research Scholarships generally run every September, though under special circumstances, Scholarships may run in other months. Research Scholars conduct their research at the UIL Library for a period of one month. In addition, they have the opportunity to exchange knowledge with other scholars, UIL staff and UIL’s external partners.



1. Researchers and education professionals from UNESCO Member States who work in the area of lifelong learning with a focus on adult education and continuing education, literacy and non-formal basic education.

2. Participants are selected on the basis of their potential to produce:policy proposals,programme tools, articles.

3. Research papers that can be shared with decision-makers in their home countries.



UIL covers travel and accommodation costs and contributes a lump sum towards the costs of food, visas, etc.



In order to apply, please submit the following:

  • A cover letter
  • Your research proposal (2–4 pages)
  • A concise and up-to-date CV

Interested candidates are asked to submit their application by 30 April 2019 to UIL Research Scholarship Coordinator Ms Lisa Krolak, at: uil-lib@unesco.org.




Click here to apply

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