oppourtunities world

2019 Singularity University Global Startup Program

Deadline: January 15, 2019.

The GSP has been SU’s flagship program since 2008, and it occupies an important place in our history. The program has served innovators from a wide diversity of backgrounds like Muhammad Yunus, Anousheh Ansari, Astro Teller, Naveen Jain, Sylvia Earle, Esteban Bullrich, Peter Worden, and delegations from UNICEF and World Food Programme amongst others, and has catapulted many moonshot ideas to help positively transform the future of humanity. GSP has generated more than 1,000 impact innovations from over 45 countries. And, eighty-eight percent of the GSP startups that become portfolio companies continue to raise funds following their year with SU.

The Global Startup Program helps future-focused entrepreneurs transform radical ideas into tangible impact on a global scale. It’s a structured, immersive program offering startup-focused educational resources and world-class mentorship from SU’s faculty, staff, and industry experts—in a safe, nurturing environment. The program aims to scale startups into global businesses. We want to inspire you to solve the world’s biggest challenges and impact the lives of a billion people.




1. The GSP is for startups aligned with global grand challenges (GGCs) that want to 10x their current startup and scale it globally.

2. They’re looking for startups that have experience with exponential technology, some level of demonstrated market traction, and an eagerness to radically level-up their business.

3. Cohorts include founders from different countries, backgrounds, ages, ethnicities, and cultures, and you’ll find gender diversity in cohorts representing more than 40 countries.

Specifically, here are the attributes of an ideal startup for GSP:

  • SU mission alignment: You have a startup in one of the global grand challenge spaces.
  • Team: Your startup has at least two full-time co-founders.
  • Experience: You have expertise in an exponential technology and/or a key GGC space.
  • Time: Your venture is a fully formed entity.
  • Traction: You have demonstrated market traction (LOIs, purchase orders, validated trials, sales, etc.).
  • Eagerness to learn: You’re looking for a substantial shift in mindset and skill set, and are eager to globalize your startup and 10x your impact.
  • Location: Anywhere
  • Availability: You’re available to travel to a global location like Copenhagen for the Activate (four weeks) phase, and the SU campus in Mountain View for the Accelerate (four weeks) phase.


4 Weeks of Activate (in person)

  • Expand into ideation at the billion scale
  • Dive deep into bleeding-edge exponential technologies
  • Discover the GGCs, concepts like abundance and 6Ds, and more, while pushing your mind to solve the greatest issues facing our planet
  • Substantially evolve your communication and storytelling skills

4 Weeks of Accelerate (in person)

  • Create a clearly differentiated value proposition
  • Take your vision to prototype through customer validation
  • Build a valid business plan and product roadmap
  • Turn your solution from moonshot idea to minimum viable product (MVP)
  • Develop your go-to-market planning, supported by mentorship and networking

1 Year of Connect (virtually)

  • Leverage SU digital courses, webinars, virtual meetups, and more
  • Work with best-in-class faculty, staff, and mentors
  • Connect with SU’s international Chapters and community
  • Join global meetups





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