2019 M100 Young European Journalists Workshop
Deadline: June 16, 2019.
The M100 Young European Journalists Workshop (M100YEJ) is part of the prestigious annual international media conference M100 Sanssouci Colloquium (M100SC), celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. The workshop is aimed at a young generation of journalists and journalists aged 18 to 26 from Europe, the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) and Russia. In addition to imparting practical and theoretical knowledge on journalistic work, the aim is to establish long-term networking between the participants.
For our fifteen journalists from the countries of the Eastern Partnership and Russia, the workshop is often the first opportunity to get to know a Western European country. At the same time, the ten European participants often do not yet know journalists from countries with limited freedom of expression. The exchange thus provides a unique opportunity to get to know the different conditions and challenges of journalism in different political and social systems. Existing workshops have received a lot of feedback: even many years later many participants stay in contact with the social media or meet at M100 alumni meetings.
Some of the M100 alumni today work for successful independent European media, such as De Correspondent in the Netherlands or Hromadske.TV in the Ukraine. Others have themselves founded media organizations, such as: For example, the investigative network Correctiv or the international reportage platform Outriders.
1. Young journalists aged 18 and 26 from Europe, the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine) and from Russia are welcome.
2. Application must be in English.
Costs for food, accommodation and return travel will be covered for the workshop.
1. Please send us a meaningful application with an essay, curriculum vitae and motivation letter. Selected applicants will be invited to a Skypeinterview
2. Please also send us a project proposal in English that takes into account the following questions:
Shortly present your own project in digital journalism. Make sure to explain how your idea could introduce new or innovative innovative means of media storytelling. The narrative could be based on, but not limited to, graphic design solutions, IT solutions, user interface, social media and smartphone applications, big data analysis, interactive website features. Be specific in the platform that could implement your project idea. (6,000 characters maximum, including spaces).
3. Please submit your application by June 16, 2019, midnight to application@m100potsdam.org