2019 Johnson & Johnson Africa Grants Programme
Deadline: February 28, 2019.
The AGP supports the training of health workers in low- and middle-income countries, through engaging established partnerships between health organisations in the UK and Ireland and their counterparts in Sub-Saharan Africa.
THET welcomes grant applications to strengthen the healthcare workforce in one of the following two areas:
Stream 1: Essential Surgical and Anaesthetic Care
This stream will focus on reducing morbidity and mortality from conditions requiring essential surgical intervention and/or enhancing patient safety as a result of improved anaesthetic care through the training of relevant health workers. The aim of this stream is to improve the access to, and availability of, quality surgery and/or anaesthetic care (particularly for maternal, neonatal or paediatric surgical conditions).
Stream 2: Community Healthcare
This stream will focus on increasing the availability and quality of essential healthcare (including attended births) and health information to underserved populations, particularly women and children, by training those who work and serve in the community. The stream will focus on the training of cadres working in the community (Clinical Officers, Community Health Workers, etc.), which is in line with the national strategy and policies in-country. Partners will work at the rural and district level, outside of the central hospital systems.
There are 13 priority countries for this round of the AGP.
Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi
Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia (including Somaliland) and Togo
The core requirements for the AGP 2019-20 are as follows:
1. Grant recipients must be eligible organisations under this programme (see Q&A document)
2. Applications must be made by eligible partnerships under this programme (see Q&A document)
3. Projects must fit within the parameters of either stream 1 or stream 2, as outlined above
4. Project budgets cannot exceed £50,000
5. Projects must operate within LMICs in Sub-Saharan Africa, preferably in the countries noted above
6. Applications must be submitted in English.
1. Training and workshop costs, e.g. venue costs, refreshments and training materials
2. National and International economy class travel only. For environmental reasons, travel for international trips of 3 days or less will not be funded
3. Travel and associated costs, e.g. travel insurance (if not already covered by a central institution policy), accommodation, subsistence, visas and vaccinations
4. Activity communication costs (cost related to activity overseas) e.g. teleconferencing, telephone and eLearning
5. Publications and the development of web pages
6. Equipment up to a maximum of 20% of the total grant budget (this includes both medical and office equipment)
7. Project management costs. This can include project staff salary contributions for part or full time posts required to deliver the project within the set project period. THET would not expect this to ever exceed 20% of the total budget and this will form a key component of the value for money assessment of grant applications. Communication around management, e.g. telephone and internet costs, office costs and administrative support is included here
8. Consultancy costs up to 5% of the total budget. THET would expect technical expertise to be delivered by volunteers
9. Monitoring and evaluation costs. THET would expect this to form 5 – 20% of your budget
10. Contingency up to 1.5% of the total budget, to factor in exchange rate variances and/or bank charges.
1. All information should be included in the Grant Application Form and the Budget Template within the stated sections and word limits. Additional documents or footnotes will not be considered by the selection panel.
2. Applicants should complete their grant application form and budget template collaboratively and submit these documents, along with letters of support from each of the lead partners and any managing 6 partners, in one email to AGP@thet.org by midnight on 28th February 2019. Applications received after this date will not be considered.
3. If you do not receive an acknowledgment email from us within 48 hours of submitting your application,please assume we have not received it and re-submit. If you plan to submit more than one application,these need to be submitted in separate emails.
Download and read all of the following documents: