2019 ACT Foundation Grants for Nonprofits in Africa
Deadline: November 30, 2018.
Aspire Coronation Trust (ACT) Foundation is a grant making organization established in 2016 to support local, national and regional non – profit organizations working to address challenges and associated vulnerabilities across the African Continent.
ACT Foundation is avid about contributing to the development of a healthy and productive nation. We believe that if individuals live healthy lives then they can be empowered to lift themselves out of poverty and be productive members of the society.
We will support organizations that focus on health initiatives such as Malaria, Cancer (Breast Cervical and Prostrate), Maternal and Child Health. Such initiatives could involve Education, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management.
Entrepreneurship: ACT Foundation will support initiatives that improve the lives of individuals and families through Income generation and economic empowerment. This can include projects that provide access to funds (grants, products) for MSMEs and provide vital business trainings as well as technical assistance to aid entrepreneurs start up or expand their businesses so as to improve their livelihoods and generate jobs. Projects should be targeted at Low income families and Micro, Small and medium sized Enterprises.
Environment: The foundation will partner with non – profit organizations with a focus on critical environmental problems in Nigeria such as, Water and Sanitation (Waste Management).
Leadership: The foundation recognizes that we have leadership challenges as a nation and there is a need to build a new generation of credible, accountable and ethical leaders who will propel the continent towards sustainable economic development. The foundation will support organizations with a focus on developing the leadership skills of individuals particularly Youth, in Governance, economic development, organizational and professional development.
- Organization applying for grant must have been registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission in Nigeria or an appropriate body within Africa for a least TWO years
- Must be legally registered as a Non Profit organization (GTE/LTD)
- Required to show a strong governance structure (Board of Directors, CEO, Management Staff etc.)
- May be required to show evidence of other sources of funding.
- Required to show audited financial statements of no longer than two years before the application for funding.
- Organization must show track record of past projects and work done in the ACT Foundation focus area of Health, Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Environment engagement.
- Proposed projects/programs must have a maximum life cycle of 12 months i.e. it must be executed and completed within 6 to 12 months.
- The organization applying is required to have staff strength of at least 5 Individuals and this will be verified by the Foundation
- Organization is required to be open to independent audit of disbursed grants by the Foundation.
ACT Foundation is committed to developing and strengthening the organizations we fund to ensure they are sustainable. The support we offer will also aid our partners deliver more effective and efficient outcomes to the beneficiaries.
We will provide support in the following areas:
- Organizational development
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Impact measurement
- Board governance and support
- Professional development and training for organizations staffThe schedule for trainings will be indicated on our website and applications requested. Partner organizations will be given priority.
- All initial applications will be made via the online application portal. Unsolicited applications will not be considered (ONLY organizations that meet all the eligibility criteria will be considered for funding).
Only organizations whose applications are approved by management will be contacted to submit full proposals.
- Only successful applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal with a detailed budget for the grants.
- Projects must indicate a strong Monitoring and Evaluation Plan as well as show a sustainability plan.
- Applicants will be requested to submit references and due diligence will be conducted on all organizations.
- Applicants may be required to submit further information to provide clarity on projects.
- Curriculum Vitae of all members of the project team should be attached to proposal
- Any conflict of interest should be declared at the application stage
- All proposals will be reviewed by an independent selection committee.
- All applicants will receive final feedback on proposals sent and any enquires at this stage can be made to ACT foundation programs team via programs@actrustfoundation.org
- Upon final approval of the proposal, organizations will be formally notified and presented with the foundation’s MOU to be signed by the selected organizations before disbursement of funds.