2021 Strathclyde Research Studentship Scheme – Student Excellence Awards (University SEA)
Deadline: March 31, 2021.
The Student Excellence Awards are awarded to students with, or who are expected to obtain, a 1st class honours with an outstanding emerging academic track record, with internal and external recognition and a proven commitment to the field of study.
Under the Strathclyde Research Studentship scheme the University awards around 70 PhD studentships annually for students commencing their postgraduate studies across all 4 Faculties; Business, Engineering, Humanities & Social Sciences and Science. The funds are split between Student Excellence Awards, Research Excellence Awards and John Anderson Research Awards.
- All students (Home/EU and International) are eligible for University-funded Strathclyde Research Studentship Scheme (SRSS) awards.
- Funding is provided for excellent students with at least a 2.1 undergraduate degree (or equivalent). Faculties may set a 1st class honours degree requirement.
Covers Tuition and Living Costs
Each Faculty or Department may set their own internal application procedures and deadlines which may be prior to the deadline listed above. As applications for SRSS REAs are made by academic supervisors, interested candidates should contact the department/supervisor they are interested in working with in the first instance.
OFFICIAL LINK: https://www.strath.ac.uk/studywithus/scholarships/strathclyderesearchstudentshipscheme-studentexcellenceawardsuniversity/