2021 Smithsonian Biodiversity Genomics Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Deadline: November 1, 2020.
The Smithsonian Institution (SI) Postdoctoral Fellowship in Biodiversity Genomics promotes collaborative research in these fields involving comparative genomic approaches such as phylogenomics, population genomics, metagenomics or transcriptomics, and have a component that involves significant bioinformatics analysis. The Smithsonian’s molecular research facilities are located at National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute/National Zoological Park (SCBI/NZP), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC), and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) in the Republic of Panama. Collaboration among SI facilities is encouraged.
A. Applicants must propose to conduct research in-residence for a period of 12 to 24 months.
B. Applicants must have completed or be near completion of the Ph.D.
C. Recipients who have not completed the Ph.D. at the time of application must provide proof of completion of the degree before the fellowship begins.
D. Applicants interested in conducting research at these facilities are strongly encouraged to contact potential advisors/hosts at any of the Smithsonian’s various Museums and Research Institutes prior to proposal preparation and submission.
You first need to create an account in SOLAA and then you will be able to apply. Applications for the Smithsonian Biodiversity Genomics Postdoctoral Fellowship Program are not listed under the museum, research facility or office in which the applicant proposes to conduct research. Applicants need to select the Smithsonian Biodiversity Genomics Postdoctoral Fellowship Program found under the Office of Fellowships in SOLAA. You may search “Biodiversity Genomics” in the program name field.
OFFICIAL LINK: https://www.smithsonianofi.com/smithsonian-biodiversity-genomics-postdoctoral-fellowship-program/