2021 Mixed Migration Centre (MMC) Short Essay Competition – Alternative Voices
Deadline: May 17, 2021.
The notion of alternative narratives and alternative perspectives is important for the Mixed Migration
Centre (MMC) and will be central to this year’s Mixed Migration Review (MMR), our flagship annual
report. They are inviting young researchers and writers on migration to enter a short essay competition.
The winning essays will offer original analysis, alternative narrative or new perspectives of mixed migration and related issues, from the global south, as well as the specific region where the authors are based. The subject matter can relate to any aspect included in mixed migration such as: the politics or trends around migration or displacement; human smuggling or human trafficking; refugees and asylum issues; immobility; human mobility and climate change;
migration myths, misconceptions or biases. The perspective can be local or regional, conceptual or
based on cases studies.
- The competition is open to writers from and based in Asia, Africa and Latin American countries.
- Applicants who are 30 years of age or younger.
The 5 winners will have their essays published in a section of the MMR2021 dedicated to “Alternative
voices” and receive a prize of USD 1,500 each.
- The short essay will be between 1,500-2,000 words long.
- To enter the competition applicants should send a short abstract of no more than 250 words outlining
the content of their intended essay to the following email address before the end of Monday the 17th of May 2021 (CET). Thank you for indicating in your message your nationality and where you are based. Email address info@mixedmigration.org and clearly marked in the email subject as ‘’Alternative Voices Prize’’