2021 Klaus Töpfer Sustainability Fellowship
Deadline: April 12, 2021.
The IASS is currently seeking nominations for the 2021 Klaus Töpfer Sustainability Fellowship. The fellowship is intended to honour individuals who strive, like Klaus Töpfer, to bring together the fields of science and politics in their work. Applicants from the fields of academia, politics, civil society, business, and the arts are invited to submit their applications by 12 April.
The Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. (IASS) is an international, inter- and transdisciplinary research institute located in Potsdam. Prof. Dr Klaus Töpfer is the Founding Director of the IASS. The main purpose of the institute is to integrate different types of knowledge needed to support a transformation of society towards sustainability by conducting scientific research particularly in the areas of air quality and climate change, energy transitions, governance for sustainable
development, and others.
- The IASS is currently seeking applications from highly talented young early to mid-career professionals from Germany or abroad who have worked for at least ten years on sustainability issues and have the potential to serve as change agents towards sustainable development.
- Applicants should be innovative minds and practitioners in their respective fields in science, the arts, civil society, business, politics or other sectors, and have work experience across different countries and cultures.
- The Klaus Töpfer Sustainability Fellowship is awarded for one year. The Fellow is expected to be physically present at the IASS during her/his stay and actively contribute to the work of the institute, for example by holding seminars and participating in other IASS activities.
- The Fellow receives a financial compensation intended to cover her/his additional living costs during her/his stay in Germany. The exact amount depends on the particular situation of the successful applicant and will be decided on an individual basis.
- In addition, the IASS can also provide resources to cover travel
expenses, publication fees, support for organizing workshops, production costs for artistic work, etc.
- A letter of motivation: Please mention any prior experience at the interface of science and another sector of society (such as politics, business, the arts, media, etc.).
- A current CV, which should not exceed four pages, outlining your career path and most important achievements. In terms of lists, please limit this to the five most important items (e.g., five most important publications).
- A proposal outlining the activities to be conducted during the time as Klaus Töpfer Sustainability Fellow. The proposal should be no longer than ten pages (excluding references).
- At least one letter of recommendation. The letter of recommendation should include biographical information and contact details of the person recommending.
- Please send your application to fellowship@iass-potsdam.de