2021 Expertise France GCCA+ West Africa Project Climate Finance Expert Recruitment
Deadline: March 14, 2021.
Under the responsibility and supervision of the project coordinator based in Lomé, the climate finance expert will be responsible for carrying out all the activities necessary to achieve result 6, which will involve continuing and consolidating the work already carried out since the beginning of the project under this component.
The GCCA+ West Africa project implemented by Expertise France with a 5-year budget of EUR 12.1m benefits from two regional bases: the political support for the project from ECOWAS, and a technical base with CILSS which will, in addition, be implementing part of the activities.
- At least 10 years of professional experience in the sector(s) related to the mission: environment, climate change, climate financing under the UNFCCC
- Very good knowledge of climate finance issues in the context of international negotiations under the UNFCCC
- Experience in working with government institutions and all key stakeholders to develop local climate resilient solutions in West Africa and the mobilization of climate finance
- Practical experience in supporting countries or institutions in the accreditation and/or development processes of projects submitted to climate funds, particularly the Adaptation Fund and the GCF
- In-depth knowledge and understanding of the functioning and architecture of climate funds in general and the GCF and AF in particular, including accreditation procedures
- Demonstrated experience working with governmental and regional institutions in West Africa
- Good knowledge of the project cycles of climate funds in general and the GCF in particular
- A good knowledge of climate fund submission procedures in general, and the GCF in particular;
- A good knowledge of the project cycle of climate funds in general, and the GCF in particular
- Good knowledge of the project appraisal and proposal preparation processes for GCF-type projects
- Experience in economic and financial analysis for project sustainability and budget formulation, particularly for the GCF.
- Hold a post-graduate degree (Master’s or PhD) in political science, environmental studies, climate change and/or related disciplines.
- Have a detailed understanding of the regional institutional context (ECOWAS policies in particular) and a very good knowledge of the issues related to climate change for the region and the mobilization of climate financing
- Analytical capacity and strength of action/strategy/positioning proposals for strengthening access to climate finance
- Good teamwork skills
- Ability to write clear and precise activity reports, capitalizing on experiences and lessons learned for possible replication
- Have an excellent written and spoken command of English and French. A good command of Portuguese is an asset
- Have a strong capacity for work, rigor and organization.
- Very good aptitude for virtual work/computer tools.
To apply, please send the following documents to the email addresses below:
- A CV (EU format)
- A Cover letter
- 3 references that can be contacted
Start date: As soon as possible
Applications must be submitted via the Expertise France platform and sent to the following address: laure.bruma@expertisefrance.fr and maelle.vandierendonck@expertisefrance.fr with the subject line of the email: application climate finance expert.