2021 British Council Go Digital Program for Organisations in Wales and Sub Saharan Africa
Deadline: February 7, 2021.
British Council are offering three grants of between £5000 and £8000 to organisations in Wales and Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) to collaborate digitally on international projects.
This funding they are offering is from the Official Development Assistance (ODA) budget. Official Development Assistance is the UK government’s overseas aid budget to support the government’s 2015 Aid Strategy in developing countries. Therefore your project application must meet certain requirements.
An Official Development Assistance compliant project proposal should:
- Demonstrate that projects will make a positive contribution to the social and economic development of the Official Development Assistance country involved;
- Aim to further sustainable development (development that is likely to generate lasting benefits for the population of the country to which it is provided) or improve the welfare of the population.
- Open to organisations in Wales and Sub Saharan Africa (SSA)
- If you have already recieved funding from the British Council for the proposed activity you are not eligible to apply for additional funding. If, however, you have received funding from the British Council for research or scoping activity to develop your proposal then you are able to apply for a collaboration grant in order to take the project forward.
A. Wales in partnership with at least one country from the following list of Official Development Assistance (ODA) countries:
B. Botswana | Ethiopia | Ghana | Kenya | Malawi | Mauritius | Mozambique | Namibia | Nigeria | Rwanda | Senegal | Sierra Leone | South Africa | South Sudan | Sudan | Tanzania | Uganda | Zambia | Zimbabwe
Direct project costs include:
- Staff time to deliver the project
- Training costs
- Professional fees
- Translation and interpreter fees
- Equipment and materials
- Activities relating to learning, advocacy and community engagement
- Evaluation
- Promotion
OFFICIAL LINK: https://wales.britishcouncil.org/en/programmes/arts/go-digital-sub-saharan-africawales-application