2020 Orange Social Venture Prize in Africa and the Middle East

Deadline: June 5, 2020.

The Orange Social Venture Prize rewards projects or start-ups created less than three years ago that offer high-tech solutions based on mobiles or the Internet to meet the needs of the populations in Africa and the Middle-East. The Award embodies the Group’s values and commitments in the MEA region.

National competition: Each project submitted will participate in the national competition of its country of origin (the country is identified by the participant when the project is submitted on the Site). Each country organizes a national jury that nominates up to three (3) national winners.

International competition: These three (3) national winners will participate automatically, without the need to redeposit their respective project, at the Grand Prix (Orange MEA Competition) and the grand jury designates the 3 grand prize winners of the Grand Prix Orange Social Venture Prize Africa / Middle East.


Participation in the Competition is open to natural persons aged over 21 years at the date of the initiation of the Competition

Excluded from the Competition participation are:

1. Natural persons of less than 21 years at the date of the launch of the Competition

2. Legal persons who have exercised their activity for over three years on the day on which the Competition is initiated

3. Persons having conceded rights to their Project

4. Persons having collaborated directly in the organisation of the Competition (such as personnel of the Orange group belonging to the CSR MEA and Partnerships departments, the members of the subsidiaries in Africa and the Middle-East participating in the organisation of the Prize and Innovacom personnel)

5. The professionals of the national juries as well as the jury members of the international Grand Prix and their families

6. Natural or legal person without personal bank account


For the international Grand-Prix awards are the following:

1 st prize: the payment of an amount of € 25,000 (twenty-five thousand euros)

2 nd prize: the payment of an amount of € 15,000 (fifteen thousand euros)

3 rd prize: the payment of an amount of € 10,000 (ten thousand euros)

One women award: the payment of an amount of € 20,000 (twenty thousand euros)

One 10th year special award: the payment of an amount of 10,000 (ten thousand euros)

OFFICIAL LINK: https://startup.orange.com/en/orange-social-venture-prize/

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