2020 Akina Mama wa Afrika Call for Applications: Sub-Regional Feminist and Transformational Leadership Development Programme for African Women
Deadline: December 4, 2019.
Do you believe in an alternative framework of leadership which is not based on power and its retention – the kind of leadership that will dismantle all forms of patriarchal injustice and oppression? Look no further than the African Women’s Leadership Institute (AWLI)!
Across the world, a number of legislation and policies that are passed in traditional decision making spaces appear progressive but actually stall progress in the realization of women’s rights as the agenda is usually watered down in favour of diplomacy. Feminists have identified gaps in key agendas including the Sustainable Development Goals where SDG5 looks to end gender inequality but does not address unequal power relations, essentially negating the very thing that leads to gender inequality which deters the realization of women’s rights.
With support from the African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF), we invite applications from African women leaders for the 2020 regional feminist and transformational leadership development programme to be held under the Sub-Regional African Women’s Leadership Institute on Influencing Global Women’s Rights Frameworks programme. This specific institute is inspired by the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and seeks to develop a strong cadre of feminist leaders from a variety of backgrounds with the practical skills, tools, confidence and agency to effectively engage and influence global women’s rights frameworks like the Beijing Platform for Action.
1. The leadership development programme will be awarded to 25 women leaders, who have exemplified leadership in their organisations, communities and or have stood for elective office.
2. Eligible candidates are African women between the ages of 25-40 years based in West and Central Africa.
3. Women who are committed to participating in all activities of the programme beginning with a 5 day residential institute scheduled to take place from 17th – 21st February 2020 in Accra, Ghana and a one year peer mentorship programme.
4. Applicants are also required to prepare a paper on the state of women’s rights in Africa.
5. They encourage applications from ALL backgrounds in terms of ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, origin, and religion. The institute will be conducted in English.