2019 Urban Innovation CityPreneurs Seoul Challenge
Deadline: July 31, 2019.
Young people are both digitally and physically connected, constituting the most urbanized generation we have ever experienced. Out of the 1.2 billion young people alive today, 717 million are located in Asia Pacific, making youth the key to unleashing the region’s next economic miracle. They will also be the most impacted by the challenges – from inequalities to climate change – that the SDGs seek to address. As such, initiatives that bring different sectors together to collaborate through innovation, entrepreneurship, and the harnessing of young people’s leadership offer huge potentials for exponential development to achieve the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
Citypreneurs works with city governments every year to identify three themes per competition and find innovative solutions to urban problems, as defined and measured by the SDGs. Identify your area of impact and take part in the global movement to achieve them by 2030.
1. Healthy & Inclusive Ageing: Improve health and wellbeing for all, at all ages, and empower older persons to be economically and socially included in their city.
2. Developing Skills: Upgrade skills and promote lifelong learning for jobs of the future for everyone.
3. Green Consumption & Production: Change the way we make, buy and dispose to protect our planet.
Citypreneurs acknowledges that start-ups may be at various stages of development, and thus offers a dual track system:
A. SEED TRACK: Designed for early-stage start-ups still working on their prototype development with flexibility to focus on urban issues specifically identified by partner agencies.
1. Founded in 2016 or after
2. Under Series A round investment
3. MVP(Minimum Viable Product) ready
B. GROWTH TRACK: Designed for start-ups that have three or more years of experience with market-tested prototypes and are looking to scale up.
1. Founded in 2015 or before
2. Series A round investment and over
3. Product verified in the market
1. For the top 30 Finalist
ㆍ(Seed Track) Business model mentoring & pitch clinics
ㆍPermanent membership with Citypreneurs, right to use official Citypreneurs branding
ㆍNetworking opportunities with global finalists
ㆍTravel subsidy for teams coming from outside of Seoul
ㆍTech transfer opportunities
ㆍJoint project opportunities with larger companies
ㆍLow-interest borrowing rights from the Citypreneurs Community Fund (300K USD)
ㆍInvitation to UN Conferences and Events
2. For the Winners
ㆍInvestment opportunities from a pool of interested money (50M+ USD)
ㆍAwards from UN and Seoul City Officials
ㆍPrivate Demo Day with investors
ㆍImpact evaluation matrix development guidance
SEED TRACK (3 Teams)
ㆍGo-to-market consulting
ㆍTotal award money of 22M KRW
ㆍPilot and R&D opportunities with cities, including Seoul
ㆍInvitation to international, high-level panels
ㆍCompany introduction at Mayoral meetings and/or UN Conferences