2019 UN Women Call for applications: Beijing+25 Youth Task Force

Deadline: July 15, 2019.

The year 2020 will be a confluence of anniversaries including the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Conference and the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA), the five-year review of the Sustainable Development Goals, the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Security Council Resolution 1325, and the 10th anniversary of the creation of UN Women.

As we take stock of progress made in advancing women’s rights and gender equality, UN Women is committed to ensuring that young people are at the centre of this process, focusing on the 25-year review and appraisal of the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.



UN Women will nominate up to 30 members for the Beijing+25 Youth Task Force from a pool of applications received through an open call. Applicants will be chosen against the following criteria:
1. Regional and geographic balance.
2. Compliance with the age requirement.
3. Nomination to the task force will adhere to the leave no one behind principle ensuring diverse representation across intersectional complexities, including marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, indigenous and ethnic identities, and refugee or migrant status.
4. Proven experience in youth mobilization.
5. Interest and motivation. Applicants are invited to indicate preference for membership of the thematic committees, and UN Women will in collaboration with members establish the committees according to fit of experience, competences and skills.
6. Priority will be given to applicants that represent broad networks, youth organisations, and civic movements from the following constituencies; youth gender equality advocates, young women human rights defenders, young male gender activists, rural, indigenous, lesbian, bi, and queer young women, trans, intersex, and gender non-conforming young people, disability, child widows, child brides, young women living with HIV, young workers including migrant workers and domestic workers, young migrants and refugees.
7. Nomination will seek broad representation from young advocates who focus their work on the 12 critical areas of concern of Declaration and Platform for Action: poverty, education and training, health, violence, armed conflict, economy, power and decision-making, institutional mechanisms, human rights, media, environment, and the girl child.



The Youth Task Force will be an opportunity for young people to:
• Support and guide UN Women’s efforts to place young people at the center of the Beijing+25 processes.
• Be part of a network of young supporters that will foster momentum on youth engagement for gender equality on a global level.
• Exchange expertise and knowledge with young people that are working towards the same objective.
• Recognition of contribution.



1. To apply, please familiarize yourself with the Terms of Reference and Criteria for Nomination, and fill out the application form here.

2. Together with your resume and the recommendation letter from your organization, network or civic movement, please send your application to youthengage[at]unwomen.org




Click here to apply

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