2019 UN Trust Fund’s Grant to End Violence Against Women
Deadline: January 18, 2019.
The UN Trust Fund’s annual Call for Proposals, which is available in six languages, accepts multi-year grant applications for up to US$1 million in English, French and Spanish. With its 22nd funding cycle in 2018, the UN Trust Fund will fund organizations that qualify for funding (a) under the three programmatic areas of the UN Trust Fund Strategic Plan 2015-2020, (b) under the “special window” addressing violence against women and girls in the context of the current refugee crisis and (c) under the “special window” addressing violence against women and girls with disabilities.
The United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women (“UN Trust Fund”) is a global multi-lateral mechanism supporting national efforts to end one of the most widespread human rights violations in the world. Established in 1996 by UN General Assembly Resolution 50/1661, the UN Trust Fund is administered by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) on behalf of the United Nations System.
Within this general framework, the UN Trust Fund is establishing two special thematic windows of funding with a focus on:
- addressing violence against women and girls in the context of the current forced displacement and refugee crisis; and
- Addressing violence against women and girls with disabilities.
Applications from women’s rights, women-led, and small women’s organizations will be prioritized, in recognition of them being the driving force of the ending violence against women agenda, as well as being at the forefront of reaching women and girls survivors at the grassroots level.
- The UN Trust Fund is seeking applications from organizations that qualify for grants under the three programmatic areas of the UN Trust Fund’s 2015-2020 Strategy:
- Improving access for women and girls to essential, safe and adequate multi-sectoral services to end violence against women and girls;
- Increasing effectiveness of legislation, policies, national action plans and accountability systems to prevent and end violence against women and girls; and
- Improving prevention of violence against women and girls through changes in knowledge, attitudes and practices.
- Type of Organization
- Women-led and women’s rights organizations that have specialized knowledge, expertise and track record of working in women’s human rights and prevention and/or elimination of violence against women and girls.
- Humanitarian organizations
- Organizations of women with disabilities, as well as organizations of persons with disabilities (DPOs) and civil society organizations working with women and girls with disabilities
- Regional/international civil society organizations and networks (women-led, women’s rights and humanitarian organizations as well as organizations of persons with disabilities only)
- The following are NOT eligible to apply for a grant from the UN Trust Fund:
- Organizations that do not have a legal status in the country of implementation
- Government agencies or institutions
- Individual UN agencies or UN Country Teams
- Private individuals
- Private sector entities
- Organizations currently implementing a grant from the UN Trust Fund
- Previous UN Trust Fund grantees, unless the grant was successfully closed by calendar year 2016
- International organizations whose affiliate or country office is currently a UN Trust Fund grantee
- Organizations proposing interventions in countries not listed in the OECD DAC list of ODA recipients
- Organizations proposing interventions in more than one country or territory
- 3-year grants of US$ 150,001 to US$ 1 million for all civil society organizations
- 3-year grants of US$ 50,000 to US$ 150,000 for small civil society organizations
- Applicants are expected to submit proposals online in the form of a brief Concept Note.
- Applications can be submitted in the following languages only: English, French, and Spanish. Please note that while the Call for Proposals is also available in Arabic, Chinese and Russian, applications will only be accepted in English, Spanish or French.
- The online concept note application will be available from 25 November 2018 – 18 January 2019 at: http://grants.unwomen.org.
- All information must be entered using the online application software.
- Only one application per organization will be accepted. Multiple applications from the same organization or for the same proposal will be automatically disqualified.
- The online application must include all the following required documents to be considered complete.
- Incomplete applications will be automatically disqualified:
- Legal Registration Documents
- Organizational Audit Reports
- Certified Financial Statements
- Organizational documents providing evidence the organization is a women’s rights or women-led
- All required documents should be uploaded through the online application system only (no email or paper documents will be accepted).
- Please allow sufficient time for documents to upload in the online application system and note that the system may experience significant delays close to the submission deadline.
- The deadline for submission of the Concept Note is 18 January 2019, 11:59 pm New York Time (EDT).
- Concept Notes received after the deadline will not be considered.
- The UN Trust Fund will acknowledge receipt of a submitted online application through a confirmation email. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please contact the UN Trust Fund immediately.
- Please note that due to the high volume of applications, the UN Trust Fund unfortunately cannot respond individually to those not selected for further consideration.
Applicants will be informed of updates on the application process via email.