2019 SMK National Campaigner Awards

Deadline: January 21, 2019.

Nominations for the SMK National Campaigner Awards 2019 are now live. Each year, SMK celebrates the best campaigns and campaigners – whether working locally or nationally, and from individuals and community groups to people working in large organisations. Our interest is in finding those who have made change happen – most effectively, creatively and courageously.

Within our charitable objectives, SMK can recognise organisations and individuals conducting legal and effective campaigns. It is not necessary to be part of a registered charity to be nominated or win an Award. However, the Awards can only recognise campaigns which further charitable purposes and fall within the Charities Act 2011 definition of public benefit.

There are 13 charitable purposes defined by the Act and they are quite broad. A list is below and further details are available on the Charity Commission (England and Wales) website (as we are based in London this is the Commission under which we operate). They are similar to those of Scotland and Northern Ireland. If having read this information carefully you are still unsure if it is appropriate to apply, please contact us and a member of staff will be happy to discuss this with you. In these circumstances, please make sure you ring us well before the deadline for applications.




1. Best Digital Campaign: To recognise a successful campaign that has used digital tools and technology in innovative and powerful ways.

2. Best use of the Law: Celebrating a campaign that has successfully used the law to drive change – whether using existing legislation to leverage rights and protections or using strategic litigation to strengthen existing or create new legislation. Sponsored by Bates Wells & Braithwaite.

3. Best Consumer Campaign: To recognise campaigns that successfully challenge poor or unfair consumer practise, or which successfully promote or strengthen consumer rights and protection. Sponsored by Which?

4. Best Coalition: This award recognises campaigns led by multiple partners in ways which are creative, respectful and genuinely collaborative. Sponsored by Frederick Mulder Foundation.

5. Amplifying Unheard Voices: This Award recognises campaigns either led by or that give voice and profile to those groups who are least heard. It could be any group within the protected characteristics of disability; race; religion or belief; sex; sexual orientation or gender reassignment.

6. Best Community Campaign: This Award celebrates a successful campaign that has taken place at a local community level. It could be led by one or many but will have led to a change that benefits all of or a significant portion of the local community.

7. David & Goliath: This Award is all about the little guys. It celebrates individuals or small campaign groups that take on much bigger organisations and challenge vested power. Sponsored by Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust.

8. Young Person’s Award: Celebrating campaigns instigated, delivered and led by a person or people under the age of 30. Sponsored by The Blagrave Trust.

9. Outstanding Leadership Award: This Award recognises an individual who has provided outstanding leadership to their organisation or community in pursuit of change. Sponsored by Prospectus

10. Long-term Achievement Award: To recognise the work and contribution of an exceptional individual who has campaigned over a long period of time.



The nominee must be:

1. A UK resident
2. Working on a campaign based in the UK (but the focus can be local, national or global)
3. Be over the age of 18 (except for the Young Persons Awards, where they can be aged 14 and over)
4. Be involved with a campaign that fits within one of our categories
5. Be campaigning on an issue that affects the wider community, not just one individual
6. Not involved in a campaign that is offensive or discriminatory



Winners will receive their award at a special evening ceremony in London on Wednesday 27th March 2019.




SMK National Campaigner Awards

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