2019 Erasmus Mundus Global-MINDS scholarship programme
Deadline: 20 January, 2019.
Global-MINDS is the European Master in the Psychology of Global Mobility, Inclusion and Diversity in Society funded by the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree funding programme (Erasmus+ – Key Action 1). It is a comprehensive 2- year study programme with 120 ECTS focusing on insights into contemporary social and societal issues from Social and Cultural Psychology.
Global-MINDS is an English-language master degree program for students with a Psychology Bachelor degree or equivalent. It is a unique study program with an internationalization component that is indispensable. It is aimed at students with a Bachelor (or similar) degree in psychology. This ensures that the program complies with international legal requirements regarding the registration and use of the title ´psychologist´, therefore, significantly improving the employability of psychology graduates.
The program is designed to deliver high quality international training in scientific knowledge and practical skills in social and cultural psychology. The Master courses provide students the opportunity to acquire in-depth theoretical knowledge on themes of extreme social relevance, including diversity and inclusion, global mobility and acculturation, and culture and organisations. Students also consolidate and apply this knowledge by gaining first-hand intercultural experience by attending at least two Partner Universities, through the required structured student mobility, a structured internship, and writing a research-based thesis. These characteristics render this master program in Social and Cultural Psychology unique world-wide.
The 2-year program consists of two semesters of full time course work in the first year, at two different universities. This is followed, in the second year, by a semester internship with an organisation or company organised in association with the partner university of the student’s choice, and a final semester for completing and defending the thesis. During the last semester, again, the student can choose their location, but they must be available to meet with their chosen thesis supervisor regularly face-to-face during this time.
In order for a student application to be taken into consideration, the candidate must comply with the minimum requirements with regard to (1) administrative prerequisites, (2) academic prerequisites and (3) language prerequisites.
- Administrative prerequisites are:
(a) Compliance with the application calendar and deadlines;
(b) Submission of a complete set of required application documents in English, or with a certified English translation.
(c) Application to no more than 3 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree programs per selection year (see https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/library/scholarships-catalogue_en).
2. Academic prerequisites are:
(d) Completed Bachelor in psychology/ with a psychology major (at least 100 ECTS in psychology or directly related (i.e., statistics)) or another degree in psychology recognized by the EU as a 1st or 2nd cycle degree, equivalent to at least 180 ECTS. This prerequisite must be fulfilled at the time of administrative enrollment. Applications from students of the last year of Bachelor or equivalent study programs will be accepted conditionally.
3. Language prerequisites are:
(e) Proficiency in written and spoken English at a high B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CECR), with preference given to those with a C1 level or above. Certificates should be no more than 2 years old.
To register on the eConsort system, follow this link (https://econsort.ugent.be/regis.asp?frm=1953).
To access the application after registration, follow this link (https://econsort.ugent.be/applicationform.asp?frmid=39095).
The application form must be completed online by filling in all the indicated boxes in English; you will be able to save the form to complete gradually; all data will be saved to our database. Please make sure that all personal information corresponds to the attached documents and certificates.
If requested and eligible, Global-MINDS applicants will be considered for an EMJMD scholarships.
There are two different forms of scholarships with different financial terms: Partner Country Student scholarships and Programme Country Student scholarships.
Partner Country Student scholarships include:
- travel and installation costs (amount differs depending on distance traveled from country of current residence)
- participation costs
- a flat-rate monthly allowance (if not studying in country of origin/current residence)
Programme Country Student scholarships include:
- travel costs (1000€ per year)
- participation costs
- a flat-rate monthly allowance (if not studying in country of origin/current residence)