2019 Danida Fellowship Centre SDGS Research grants

Deadline: February 1, 2019.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (MFA) provides grants for development research activities as part of Denmark’s international development cooperation. While the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015 constitute an overall thematic framework for development cooperation and research, the overall objective of the Danish support to research cooperation is to contribute to new solutions with new knowledge and new approaches, and to increase the countries’ capacity for creating and applying new knowledge themselves. In accordance with this objective, grants will be awarded to strategic research cooperation which generates new knowledge relevant to the needs and strategies of partner countries, to Denmark’s cooperation with these countries as well as including substantive elements of research capacity strengthening.



The global 2030 agenda and the seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) constitute an important framework for development cooperation and research. Therefore, it is envisaged that research projects and collaboration on the five themes identified below will be undertaken within the context of the relevant SDGs and that these will be reflected in the justification for the research proposed.

  • Sustainable economic development
  • Gender equality and development
  • Humanitarian assistance and development
  • Climate change resilience
  • State building and governance


  • Applications can only be submitted by universities or by a research-based institution (public and private, nationally registered institutions) in Denmark, Ghana, or Tanzania, which will be responsible for the grant. The project coordinator must have an affiliation to the applying institution.
  • At the time of submitting the application, the project coordinator must hold a PhD or equivalent qualification, documented clearly in the CV. Documented evidence that he/she is a Professor, Assistant Professor, or Associate Professor is regarded as equivalent to a PhD.
  • Experience shows that the project coordinator plays a key role in ensuring that a research collaboration project is successful. An effective engagement/ involvement of the project coordinator will entail a substantial workload, noticeably at the beginning of the project.
  • It is important that the project coordinator and the research team are able to document relevant scientific merits and qualifications as well as a research background within the topic applied for. A person may appear as project coordinator on several applications, but only one project per project coordinator may be approved for this funding window.


Danida Fellowship Centre SDGS Research grants

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