2019 AHRC-DFID Collaborative Humanitarian Protection Research Programme Grants
Deadline: September 5, 2019.
The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) – part of UK Research and Innovation – and the Department for International Development (DFID) have established a new Collaborative Humanitarian Research Programme to help tackle one of the most pressing issues of our time: the protection of people in areas of war and conflict. With the World Bank predicting that nearly half (46%) of the world’s poor will live in fragile and conflict affected states by 2030, the AHRC and DFID are working in partnership to fund world-class research into humanitarian protection of people affected by conflict. The Thematic Research Grants call launched under this initiative will support a portfolio of research projects to better understand the causes of humanitarian protection risks/violations and to gather evidence about which interventions are most effective in improving humanitarian protection outcomes.
- Eligibility (individual): Researchers from any recognised research organisation in any country are eligible as Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator
- Eligibility (institutional): Any recognised UK or international university/research organisation that can meet UKRI due diligence requirements is eligible to apply as the lead organisation
- At least one researcher based at a research organisation in an OECD DAC ODA eligible country must be included in the research team (as Principal Investigator and/or Co-Investigator)
- Proposals must also include collaboration with at least one practitioner organisation
- Research Focus: The regions of focus prioritised for this call have been selected based on the high intensities of conflict recorded and live conflict related humanitarian appeals in 2018
- Fund limit: up to £480,000 (fEC) plus additional £100,000 for optional Capacity Building element (£580,000 in total)
- Project duration: 18–24 months
Successful proposals must meet all the following defining characteristics:
- Address one of the six research themes outlined the full call guidance document
- Be appropriately multidisciplinary
- Include collaboration with practitioner organisations
- Include partnerships with institutions in OECD DAC eligible countries
- Include consideration of gender dynamics, and wider equalities and inclusion issues in relation to the theme being studied
All proposals for the AHRC-DFID Collaborative Humanitarian Protection Research Programme – Thematic Research Grants call must be submitted through the Je-S system by 5 September 2019, 16:00.
For detailed information see the Call Guidance document.
AHRC-DFID Je-S Self-Registration Guidance Document (PDF)
AHRC-DFID Call Guidance Document (PDF)