2024 UNESCO/Poland Co-Sponsored Fellowships in Archaeology and Conservation (Fully Funded)
Deadline: May 31, 2024.
With a view to promoting human resource capacities and to enhancing international understanding and friendship among nations and the peoples, the Polish National Commission for UNESCO and the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland are placing at the disposal of UNESCO 5 fellowships in the field of Archaeology and Conservation. The 5 selected fellows will be given the opportunity to undertake a 9-month archaeological internship between 1 October 2024 and 30 June 2025, at the Faculty of Archaeology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland.
Candidates must be the nationals from the above-mentioned invited Member States , fulfilling the following eligibility requirements:
- Candidates must hold a B.A. or M.A. degree, preferably in the area of Archaeology or Conservation.
- Be proficient in reading and writing in English.
- No more than 40 years old.
Facilities Offered by the Polish authorities
- Free tuition and access to the university facilities based on the local regulations.
- Monthly allowance of 1800 PLN for BSc degree students and 2200 PLN for MSc degree students (1 USD = approximately 4 PLN). All living expenses and accommodation in Poland are to be borne by the fellow with this allowance;
- A one-time special allowance of 1800 PLN for BSc degree students or 2200 PLN for MSc degree students to be paid upon arrival in Poland (for 6 months stay period). This sum will cover different activities related to your stay in Krakow, such as an obligatory medical check-up upon arrival (in accordance with the internal regulations for all students); cultural, historical and/or touristic visits, conferences, workshops, and seminars related to your studies.
Facilities Offered by UNESCO
- International travel expenses (by the most direct, economical route): from the beneficiary’s country to and from Poland will be covered by UNESCO;
- Health insurance for fellowship beneficiaries who are declared medically fit: UNESCO fellowship holders may be covered by a health insurance policy, taken-out by the Organization for the duration of fellowship. UNESCO will subscribe the health insurance on behalf of awarded fellows and cover the cost incurred.;
- One-time special pocket allowance of US$120 (one hundred and twenty US dollars).
Step 1:
Read carefully Annex I (List of Invited Member States and Field of Research Studies) and Annex II (Terms and Conditions) for the 2024-2025 edition of UNESCO/Poland Co-Sponsored Fellowships in Archaeology and Conservation) to understand the requirements for eligible candidatures and the procedures for application submission.
Step 2:
Contact the National Commission for UNESCO of your country to enquire the application procedures at national level. Click here for the contact information of the National Commissions for UNESCO.
Step 3:
Prepare your application, including the following supporting documents as required in the Annex II:
- UNESCO fellowships application form: all 4 pages of the form should be duly completed in English using capital letter (illegible documents will be eliminated from the evaluation procedure, and hand writing form must be written in capital letters only);
- A copy of the identity photo of the applicant;
- Certified copies (in English) of Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree obtained: candidates should have completed and obtained the degrees before applying for this fellowships programme, and the presented degrees shall meet the requirements and regulations of European Union);
- UNESCO certificate of language knowledge, duly completed by a relevant authority, if the mother tongue of the candidate is not English; and
- Two letters of recommendation from someone related to the candidate’s work, as well confirming the candidate’s qualifications.
Step 4:
Submit your application with all the supporting documents mentioned above to the National Commission for UNESCO of your country.
NOTE: As National Commission for UNESCO of the invited countries will select and transmit the applications of nominated candidates to UNESCO Paris Headquarter by 31 May 2024 at the latest, applicants are advised to submit their application to the National Commissions as early as possible.
Step 5:
As soon as you are informed by the National Commission for UNESCO of your country that you are endorsed and nominated as a candidate for this programme, you should submit your application by email to to archaeology.poland@unesco.org (with m.herbich@unesco.pl and marcin.ignaczak@amu.edu.pl in copy), and then complete and submit the online information sheet at this link.
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