2024 Global Citizenship Foundation Mentor-Intern Program

Deadline: April 8, 2024.

The Mentor-Intern Program offered by the Global Citizenship Foundation is a unique internship opportunity for high-potential young individuals to gain professional experience and develop critical leadership competencies at a global workplace. This carefully-curated and rigorously-enhanced program offers an immersive and impactful experience, aimed at fostering the holistic growth and development of its participants.

Designed with a strong emphasis on reflective practices and leadership development, the Mentor-Intern Program rigorously matches the Foundation’s value-driven Culture of Practice, fostering a sense of global citizenship and social responsibility among its participants. Through a series of daily debriefs, reflections, capacity-building sessions, and skill-enhancement activities, participants will gain valuable insights and practical skills essential for success in their future careers. With a focus on mutual mentorship, the program creates a unique relationship between the participant and an experienced team member, providing an intimate and supportive learning environment.


  1. At least B2 Language Level in English (as per the Common European Framework of Reference [CEFR]).
  2. The minimum age to participate in the Mentor-Intern Program is 17 years.
  3. Preference is given to applicants who are either be enrolled in an accredited university or are a recent graduate. However, experienced professionals are also eligible to apply.
  4. Possess inter-cultural intelligence and are able to work effectively in diverse teams.
  5. Possess a growth mindset, are open to learning, and continuously strive for self-improvement.


  1. The internship offers a balanced combination of autonomy and collaboration, allowing for both flexible work hours and focused team engagement. 
  2. The Global Citizenship Foundation does not charge or demand a fee for participation in the program. Also, the program does not offer a stipend.
  3. The valuable experience and skills gained through the program are designed to enrich the participant’s personal and professional growth, making the program a worthwhile investment in their future.

Apply through the OFFICIAL LINK

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