2024 GLF African Youth Storytelling Contest

Deadline: June 30, 2024.

From sun-drenched savannas to bustling cityscapes, there are millions of stories that paint a picture of Africa’s diverse landscapes and cultures, where tales of tradition, innovation and a boundless spirit of possibility intertwine. Whether it’s knowledge passed down through generations or a modern saga of triumph against all odds, every story holds the power to inspire and ignite positive change. 

We all have a story to tell. What do you  want the world to know about Africa’s future? 

In this third edition of our annual African storytelling contest, The Stories of Africa, they invite young creators from all over the continent to share stories to inspire a brighter and bolder future for Africa.


  1. The contest is open to anyone between the ages of 18 and 35 born in Africa, living in Africa or from the African diaspora.
  2. Your story should share your thoughts, hopes and dreams about a future for Africa that values community, collaboration, inclusivity and resilience. In simple words: what should a bright future for Africa look like? 


  1. The top 5 to 10 entries will be featured on our website and social media channels, as well as at the GLF Africa 2024 Hybrid Conference, reaching thousands of people in person and online.
  2. On top of the opportunity to showcase your talent and share your story with a global audience, the three best stories will receive prizes of EUR 500, 300 and 200 respectively.


Entries will be judged based on the following criteria:

  • Creativity, passion and originality;
  • Relevance to the the themes described above;
  • Vision and pathway for the future of Africa;
  • Clarity of expression and communication of ideas;
  • Overall impact and effectiveness.


Please include the following in your story :

  • Your full name
  • Your city or town and country
  • The logo of your organization (if applicable)

If your submission is in a language other than English, please also provide an English transcript in the relevant part of the application form.

Find more information on the OFFICIAL LINK

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