2024 Erasmus Mundus Masters degree in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management

Deadline: February 1, 2024.

MESPOM is an Erasmus+: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management operated by four leading European Universities with support from two Universities in the USA and Canada and 18 partners around the world. MESPOM prepares students for identifying and implementing solutions to complex environmental challenges, especially in an international context.

The MESPOM study programme is in English and lasts two years. The students study in at least three of the consortium universities: Central European University (CEU, Austria), the University of the Aegean (UAegean, Greece), Lund University (ILU, Sweden), the University of Manchester (UoM, UK).


  1. Applicants to MESPOM must have earned a first degree (Bachelor’s or equivalent; not less than 3 years of full-time studies) from a recognized university or institution of higher education, or provide documentation indicating that they will earn their first degree from such an institution by the time of enrolling in MESPOM.
  2. Their first degree should be in environmental studies or closely related fields. Candidates with first degrees in agricultural studies, social sciences, legal and administrative studies, economics, engineering or natural sciences will also be considered if they show commitment to environmental challenges, usually through voluntary or professional work and on-the-job training. 
  3. A successful applicant has typically graduated with excellent grades (GPA of 3.5 or above) from a recognized university or institution of higher education.
  4. Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in English. Those applicants whose first language is not English must submit standardized English language test scores.


Outstanding candidates from all over the world are offered Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM) Scholarships.

The scholarship is awarded to the highest-ranked applicants for 24 months for full-time enrolment (120 ECTS credits) as is the master programme duration. 

  • The scholarship covers travel, visa, installation and subsistence costs and is calculated on the basis of a monthly unit cost of 1400 Euros/month which corresponds to a maximum scholarship amount of 33 600 Euros (24 months).  
  • Additional financial support is available for students with individual needs depending on the level of disability/support needed. 


In addition to filling in the on-line application form by the relevant application deadlines, the following documents should be secured.

  • Letters of Recommendation

Applicants must submit at least two letters of recommendation assessing their ability to conduct graduate-level work and their potential for a successful academic or professional career. The letters of recommendation must be completed by faculty members, job supervisors, etc., who are most familiar with the applicant’s professional and/or academic abilities and character. Referees are requested to complete these letters in English or, if written in another language, to attach a certified English language translation. Normally, submission of the letters is done through the on-line application form: applicants provide contact data of the referees, and the system contacts them by e-mail.

Please note that your referees have 7 days to submit their reference letters following the date of your submission (including beyond Febr 1 if you submit in the last days).

  • Academic Records Your application must include a scanned image of your complete official bachelor’s transcript and your bachelor’s diploma in English.
  • Essay of career goals/Statement (Academic Writing Submission)

Applicants to MESPOM program must submit a 350-word essay/statement of career goals and reasons for applying to this program, covering the following:

  1. The origins of their interest in environmental issues;
  2. How they hope to benefit from the MESPOM programme;
  3. What are their future career plans;
  4. Their relevant special interests.
  • Curriculum vitae or resume

This should include a list of publications, if any.

  • Proof of English proficiency:

Such proof is an official score report from one of the recognized English language examinations or other formal evidence of English language proficiency as defined by the eligibility criteria. Information about the tests passed or forthcoming should be filled in the on-line application form. If your score report is not sent directly to CEU, you will need to submit an original certificate after your admission.

  • E-mail AddressAll applicants must have an active email account during the MESPOM admissions process. This account should be checked regularly.
  • Proof of residency for selectedSelected applicants will be requested to provide proof of residency.

Apply through the OFFICIAL LINK

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