2024 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) Copernicus Master in Digital Earth

Deadline: December 20, 2023.

The two year full-time integrated European Master of Science programme aims at qualifying individuals to lead initiatives, projects and institutions translating Copernicus data and Earth observation services (remote sensing and in-situ) into management decisions within a broader Digital Earth vision.

They empower students through academic education by fostering their leadership in EO*GI to address key societal challenges, from climate change to digital transformation. Copernicus Master in Digital Earth, proudly co-funded by the European Union, is a full, unconditional international accredited Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) programme by the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQ Austria).


  1. Prove your academic qualification: In order to be admitted to the postgraduate programme, students must hold a Bachelor’s degree in a GEOSPATIAL discipline or from an equivalent programme at an internationally recognised tertiary educational institution, corresponding to at least 180 ECTS (6 semesters) and the admission by the CDE Erasmus Mundus consortium.
  2. Open to European Member State nationals, or from third countries associated to the programme: North Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Türkiye; Eligible Countries.
  3. Open world-wide, all students who do not belong to the Programme Country category, Eligible Countries.
  4. Applicants in their final year of a Bachelor’s degree may apply when candidates will have completed the undergraduate degree (bachelor’s or equivalent) prior to July and a copy of the official degree certificate can be sent by July 30 at the latest.
  5. Geospatial discipline: Geography, Geoinformatics, Geology, Computer Science, Data Science, Cartography, Remote Sensing, Ecology & Conservation, Surveying & Mapping, Agriculture, Resource Management, Urban Planning, Regional Planning, Landscape Planning, Public Administration, Infrastructure Management, Civil Engineering; (indicative list for illustration what we do understand by a GEOSPATIAL discipline).
  6. Other disciplines: Candidates with a Bachelor or Master’s degree from any other discipline must have gained competencies in the field of Earth Observation, Geoinformatics through work experience or completed ‘Geospatial’ courses to be eligible. Supporting documents are e.g. transcript of records or certificates
  7. Specialization tracks require applicants to have basic knowledge in programming and experience of GIS software with visualisation techniques.


  1. Monthly Allowance: Eur 1.400,- for a maximum of 24 months.
  2. Participation cost: (programme participation) fee waiver.
  3. Health Insurance: in line with EACEA requirements.

Apply through the OFFICIAL LINK

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