2023 IUCN Leaders Forum for Young Changemakers (Fully Funded to Switzerland)

Deadline: June 16, 2023.

IUCN Leaders Forum Changemakers brings together young leaders and innovators who are designing or implementing innovative nature conservation or biodiversity action projects in their communities. Selected young changemakers will join leaders from around the world at the IUCN Leaders Forum in Geneva in October 2023, to advance nature-positive solutions and design concrete actions for the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework goals and targets at the local, national and regional levels. Young changemakers will have an exclusive opportunity to pitch their projects to influential global leaders from the private sector, government and civil society.

The IUCN Leaders Forum 2023 will focus on three primary objectives:

  1. Convening influential and innovative leaders (government, private sector, civil society, sub-national authorities, Indigenous peoples’ organisations, other) with the aim of: facilitating dialogue and building trust across different groups; building relationships, new partnerships and alliances, identifying innovative collective, multi-stakeholder solutions to critical conservation and biodiversity challenges; and advancing the international environmental policy agenda;
  2. Offering a platform for global leaders to convene annually in a safe space, to discuss existing and emerging environmental issues and trends, and to continue tracking, monitoring and evaluating progress to ensure nature remains front and centre as countries work towards the 2030 targets and beyond;
  3. Creating a networking opportunity for young changemakers who are designing or implementing innovative environmental action projects, to connect with potential collaborators from the public and private sectors to further develop their projects


You should apply to be an IUCN Leaders Forum Changemaker if you:

  • Are aged 18 – 35*.
  • Have a track record of leadership and innovation in the fields of nature conservation, biodiversity, climate change and / or sustainable development.
  • Are currently working on an innovative project that is or will contribute to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework goals and targets
  • They especially encourage candidates whose projects foster equity, inclusivity, intergenerational collaboration, and / or adopt a human rights-based approach in the design and implementation of the project, to apply.
  • They are looking for a diverse pool of global changemakers to participate in the IUCN Leaders Forum. Youth from the Global South are strongly encouraged to apply, as are youth from minority groups, indigenous peoples and local communities and young female leaders and innovators from around the world.


  • Delegate access to the IUCN Leaders Forum in Geneva, Switzerland from 11 to 13 October 2023
  • An exclusive opportunity to pitch your environmental action project to influential global leaders from the private sector, government and civil society
  • Hotel accommodation in Geneva from 10 – 14 October 2023
  • Return travel to Geneva, Switzerland
  • Meals and other expenses covered for the duration of stay in Geneva


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