2023 ETH4D Faculty Exchange Grants
Deadline: October 31, 2023.
The ETH4D faculty exchange grants are available for the following:
ETH4D Visiting Scientist Grant : ETH4D provides grants for visiting scientists, belonging to an academic institution in low and lower-middle income countries. The visiting scientist may visit ETH Zurich to conduct a short research stay or to attend a conference or workshop organised by ETH Zurich scientists.
ETH4D Teaching Stay Grant: ETH4D supports teaching activities of ETH scientists or ETH emeriti at partner institutions in low and lower-middle incomec countries. Activities include delivering lectures, courses or seminars; or attending collaboration meetings
- Visiting scientistmust be affiliated at an institution in a country classified under the categories according to the DownloadDAC-list of the OECD (PDF, 204 KB)vertical_align_bottom.
- Preference will be given to “least developed”, “low-income” and “lower-middle income” countries
- Has existing or planned research collaborations with the hosting professor
- Proven academic qualifications.
- Senior scientists and professors of ETH Zurich who are hired at least in a 50% position. The call is open to researchers from all disciplines of the ETH domain.
Grant sum: max. 10 kCHF
- Description of the Research Stay or Conference/Workshop attendance (1-2 pages)
- Budget (using Download Budget template (XLSX, 12 KB)vertical_align_bottom)
- CVs of all involved persons (1-2 pages each)
- Letter of support from ETH professor
- To support teaching activities of ETH scientists (including doctoral candidates and senior scientists) or ETH professors emeriti at partner institutions in countries listed in the DownloadOECD DAC List (PDF, 204 KB)vertical_align_bottom.
- The call is open to researchers from all disciplines of the ETH domain
Grant sum: max. 5k CHF
- Description of the teaching stay.
- Budget (using Downloadbudget template (XLSX, 12 KB)vertical_align_bottom), including a detailed statement of the funds requested and all funding sources, as well the applicants’ and partners’ contribution to the costs (in-cash and/or in-kind)
- CV of the applicant (max. two pages)
- Support or invitation letter of the hosting partner university