2023 DAAD Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (Funding Available)
Deadline: August 31, 2023.
In 2014 the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) initiated the programme “Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience” (PRIME) to support the international mobility of postdoctoral researchers by temporary positions at German universities in place of conventional scholarships. The programme has been funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The European Union co-funded the programme until 2019 (EU/FP7/Marie Curie Actions/COFUND). Support is provided for 18 months, of which 12 months have to be spent abroad and 6 months (re-integration phase) at a German university. The re-integration phase is mandatory. The German university administrates the salary during the whole funding period.
- Applicants must establish contact with the foreign host and the German universities on their own.
- They recommend GERiT – German Research Institutions (a service provided by the German Research Foundation-DFG, the German Rectors’ Conference-HRK and DAAD) to get an overview of recent research topics and international cooperations of German Universities.
- PRIME is open to both Germans and foreigners, no matter whether they are currently living in Germany or abroad. You are eligible to apply if you already hold a PhD or if you will have completed your PhD before the prospective starting date of your PRIME fellowship.
- As a PRIME fellow you will receive a lump sum travel allowance depending on the country of destination. This is the only payment that fellows will receive directly through DAAD.
- The position of a PRIME fellow will be remunerated according to the level set by the German pay scale “TV-L E13”. The exact amount depends on the personal circumstances. Expect a salary range of € 4,000 – € 5,000 per month pre-tax, plus approximately € 1,200 – € 2,000 per month expatriate allowance during the 12 months of your research stay abroad. DAAD will provide the employing German university with a grant agreement to cover these costs