2022 UNESCO Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report Fellowship Programme

Deadline: December 1, 201.

The Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report Fellowship Programme, funded by the Open Society Foundation, supports researchers who aim to bring a novel perspective to comparative and international education development to aid the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, the global education goal.

They are only nine years away from the end of the 2030 Agenda. The Fellowship offers an opportunity to be part of a select group of scholars and researchers, collaborating with the GEM Report team on one or both aspect of its core objectives: 

(1) to monitor and report on progress in the SDG 4 on education and education-related aspects in other SDGs;  

(2) to report on the implementation of national and international strategies to help hold all relevant partners to account for their commitments as part of the SDG follow-up and review.


  1. Author a Fellow paper, to be published on the GEM Report website. The paper should be based on original, and previously unpublished, analysis. The Fellowship provides an opportunity to address policy-relevant research analyzing core issues related to the SDG 4 agenda’s monitoring, policy or implementation challenges, and suggest policy recommendations. After completion of the paper, the authors are encouraged to further develop the work for academic publication or further policy exploration on the topic. 

2. Learn about specific dimensions of GEM Report work in monitoring quantitative and qualitative indicators and/or reporting on the implementation of national and international strategies; gain access to GEM Report data and expertise; and expand researcher horizons and engagements within the international education community.

3. Engage with the community of Fellows, participating in peer exchanges, and networking; and participate in monthly meetings and other relevant activities with the GEM Report research team. If relevant, engage on policy dissemination with the GEM Report communications and outreach teams.


  1. GEM Report Fellows would ideally be linked to universities or research institutions, have substantial experience with research methods, in-depth field policy and research analysis, and have produced some relevant research outputs.
  2. The Fellowship is open to fellows at early or advanced stages of their career, and can include senior analysts, advanced doctoral candidates, post-doctoral students, professors, or researchers from non-governmental organization (NGO) and civil society backgrounds.
  3. The Fellowship aims to support candidates from diverse nationalities.


The work will be carried out remotely, with a two-week-long visit in Paris (with travel allowance) if the sanitary conditions allow. The GEM Report team will provide:

  1. A stipend (US$19,500) for the duration of the fellowship (up to 11 months).
  2. A mentor from the team of GEM Report researchers, to provide regular mentoring, guidance and engagement with the GEM Report work.
  3. Monthly meetings engagement across the research team and Fellows


The research proposal should be placed within the current policy debate on SDG 4 and briefly describe the potential contribution this research will make to the field of education and to policy making. It should include the following elements:

– Research abstract (no more than 200 words)

– Proposal (maximum 8 pages / 4000 words), including the following elements:

1. Introduction/Rationale that motivates the topic and its policy relevance

2. Brief relevant literature and policy relevant research questions

3. Data and methodology to address research questions

– Data utilized for the research could be:

i. either large-scale quantitative data, such as national or cross-national learning or literacy assessments and household, school or labour force surveys

ii. or mixed methods data, utilizing secondary analysis information as well as qualitative methods (policy document analysis, focus group discussions, interviews) for deep dives into one or a few contexts

– Methods – should include a strong focus on descriptive methods, clear statement of empirical estimations or qualitative coding.

4. Timeline and resources: timeframe for data collection, research, and analysis. All analysis for the Fellowship should be concluded within a 10 month period.

5. GEM Report alignment: Indicate why GEM Report resources and research areas (thematic or geographic) are particularly well suited to address those questions.

Although preference is given to multi-country comparative analyses, in-depth within-country analysis that speak to broader comparative relevance are also eligible.


Applicants will need to provide the following information:

– Cover letter

– Project proposal

– CV in UNESCO format and full list of publications

To apply, please email: gemreport.fellowship@unesco.org


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