2022 UN OHCHR Fifth Human Rights Youth Challenge

Deadline: February 15, 2022.

On the occasion of World Toilet Day (19 November 2021), the Special Rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation, Mr. Pedro Arrojo Agudo, is organizing the Fifth Human Rights Youth Challenge together with the Permanent Mission of Spain, the Permanent Mission of Germany, UN-Water, Franciscans International, International Rivers, Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Ulsan International Development Cooperation Center (UIDCC) and ONGAWA.

Youth aged between 16 – 24 are invited to produce and submit a video (v-log) or any other digital content on: “the human rights to water and sanitation of peoples living close to the nature” including, but not limited to, indigenous peoples, peasants, farmers, fisherfolks, hunters and gatherers, livestock rearers, and traders.


  1. Open to Youth aged between 16 – 24.
  2. Youths around the world are eligible to apply 


  1. Prize 1: winner will be invited to speak at a side-event of the UN Human Rights Council in September 2022 pending
    COVID19 restrictions (travel and accommodation will be paid.}
  2. Prize 2: winner will be appointed as “Youth Advisor to the Special Rapporteur” The winner will be announced on the
    World Water Day (22 March 2022).


  1. Upload your short (2-5 minute) videos (v-logs) or other digital content.
  2. Include #Youth4Watsan and the hashtags that correspond to your video/digital content: connectwithWASH, #accessWASH, #equalWASH, #aroundWASH or speakup4WASH (Please check the explanation of the hashtag on page 2).
  3. Submit the link to your video or other digital content by filling in this form. No other acknowledgements will be sent.
  4. Please do not ask for confirmation by email. After the submission deadline, a list of received submissions will be available on the @SRWatsan for confirmation.


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