2022 Sir William Dunn School of Pathology Career Development Fellowship at the University of Oxford

Deadline: October 12, 2022.

Are you an early career researcher interested in the cell or molecular mechanisms underlying disease? Do you have an outstanding record and an innovative research plan?

The Sir William Dunn School of Pathology at the University of Oxford is looking for outstanding early career researchers seeking a stimulating and supportive environment in which to establish their research group as externally-funded fellows.


  1. Successful candidates will have an outstanding track record in any area of biomedical research, with a particular focus on the fundamental cell and molecular biology underlying disease.
  2. The Department celebrates diversity and we welcome applicants from diverse backgrounds that are currently underrepresented at the University of Oxford.
  3. Fellowship open to early career researchers.
  4. They are specifically looking for researchers seeking mentoring and sponsorship to apply for career development fellowships (e.g. Wellcome Trust Career Development Award, MRC Career Development Award, CRUK Career Development Fellowship, UKRI Future Leaders, etc).


To submit your expression of interest, please email the following to cdf@path.ox.ac.uk by the 12th of October 2022:

  • CV, including your list of publications and the contact details of two references.
  • Short research proposal (3 pages in total: 1 page on your previous research, 2 pages on your future plans).
  • A brief cover letter, including why you would like to join the Dunn School.

If you would like to discuss this opportunity informally, please contact the Science Strategy and Projects Manager Dr Catarina Vicente (cdf@path.ox.ac.uk), or the Head of Department Professor Matthew Freeman (matthew.freeman@path.ox.ac.uk). Those already holding a principal investigator position will not normally be eligible for this scheme, but do contact them if you would like to discuss.


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