2022 Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology (MEST) Africa Training Program

Deadline: April 20, 2022.

The MEST Training Program is an intensive 12-month, full-time, fully sponsored program in which the cohort – known as Entrepreneurs-in-Training (EITs) – complete a graduate-level course in software development, business, and communications, with a focus on practical implementation.
The course culminates with an investor pitch, with the chance to receive seed funding and enter MEST’s portfolio for company incubation.


Software Development

  • Core Programming Languages
  • Scrum & Agile Development
  • Web Development
  • Mobile Development
  • Software Engineering
  • UI/UX

Business & Entrepreneurship

  • Business Strategy 
  • Business Modelling 
  • Marketing
  • Market Research 
  • Sales
  • Finance 
  • Leadership
  • Communications 
  • Lean Startup Methodology 
  • Pitching & Investor Requirements 
  • Market Research
  • Product Development and Innovation
  • Revenue and Business Modeling
  • Branding and Communications
  • Marketing and Growth Hacking
  • Financial Management and Investments
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance
  • Metrics and Measurements
  • Sales and Traction (achieving product/market fit)
  • Building Sustainable Teams
  • Preparing for investments


  1. A deep passion for starting a software company in Africa
  2. Entrepreneurial or corporate work experience
  3. A degree from a top university or Technical College (or equivalent experience)
  4. Confident with great leadership qualities, ability to work well with others, and communicate effectively
  5. Successful applicants should be ready to commit to a full residential program for a whole year


The Training program provides rigorous entrepreneurial training and extensive hands-on project work, designed to ensure EITs master industry-proven methodologies for developing world-class tech businesses.

  1. INDSUTRY EXPERTS: Faculty members bring years of entrepreneurial and industry experience.
  2. HANDS-ON-PROJECT: EITs build, validate & pitch business ideas in a fail-safe environment. 
  3. FULL SUPPORT: All EITs receive a full scholarship to attend the 1-year training.
  4. GUEST LECTURES: Supplementary lectures by experienced business executives.


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