2022 ARTICLE 19 Internet of Rights Fellowship

Deadline: March 2, 2022.

ARTICLE 19’s Team Digital is looking for public interest advocates to join the 2022-2023 Internet of Rights (IoR) Fellowship as part of the individual fellows cohort. This is a 12-month fellowship, beginning in April 2022.

The Fellowship runs for 12 months, beginning on April 1, 2022. During this year, each fellow will work closely with their mentor—a designated member of A19’s Team Digital. All fellows follow one of three tracks: Censorship, Connectivity, or Datafication.


This year, A19 is soliciting applications for the following tracks:
● Censorship: This track focuses on technical standards and policies pertaining to internet
infrastructure that improve resilience to censorship and the security of communications. The IoR
fellow(s) may engage in technical discussions related to routing protocols that determine how
data moves from source to destination within and across IP-enabled networks, contribute to
networking protocols to address vulnerabilities exploited by censors, and or work with internet
infrastructure providers such as internet registries to address content moderation issues at the
DNS level. Fellows will participate in internet governance forums such as the Internet Corporation
for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), and
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
● Connectivity: This track focuses on ensuring all people have choices in how they connect to the
internet, particularly local communities dependent on last-mile networking technologies and
infrastructure. The IoR fellow(s) may advocate for technical and policy frameworks that can
support alternative internet operators such as community or non-profit services in multilateral
forums, improve wireless networking standards to enable community networks, or protect human
rights considerations in technical specifications of mobile networks. Fellows will participate in
internet governance forums such as the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),
the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), and the International Telecommunication Union
Development Sector (ITU-D).
● Datafication: This track focuses on advocating for human rights in discussions of data-driven
infrastructure technologies such as facial recognition, emotion recognition, and other
biometric-based systems and the internet of things (IoT) and smart cities. The IoR fellow(s) may
research and write case studies of data-driven infrastructure deployments in localized global
south contexts or push back against wide scale deployment of biometric recognition systems, or
engage in standard-setting around biometric technologies and smart cities. Fellows will
participate in technical standards communities such as the IEEE, International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), the ITU Technical Sector (ITU-T), and oneM2M.


They are looking for the following qualities in their fellows:

  1. Technical competence. While this may include knowledge of and experience in computer
    networking and protocols, systems design, and architecture, it is not necessary.
  2. They are looking for candidates who are capable of digesting complex or difficult concepts in technical policies or standards and explaining them to a wider audience.
  3. Some prior experience of participating in Internet governance bodies, and/or in-depth knowledge of the Internet governance processes and, where possible, specific standards or protocols that are relevant to the applicant’s workplan proposal.
  4. Strong research, writing, and speaking skills in English. The program will be conducted entirely in English.
  5. A clear commitment to protecting and promoting human rights and Internet freedom
  6. Applicants from the global south, women, and other individuals that identify as part of underrepresented groups in Internet governance are especially encouraged to apply


To apply, please submit the following materials as a single .zip file to fellowship@article19.org by
Wednesday, March 2:

  1. Curriculum vitae (CV)
  2. A statement of interest, indicating the following:
    ● How you intend to meet the goals of the Fellowship.
    ● A proposed 12-month workplan, including your key deliverables/outputs. (If you are selected, you
    will have the opportunity to revise this workplan; it is only requested at this stage to demonstrate
    your knowledge of the track you are applying for, internet governance, and human rights.)
    ● How you expect that these deliverables/outputs will create impact, in line with the goals of the
    fellowship and your selected track.
    ● How you expect that your project will help you sustain your participation in Internet governance
    beyond the life of the Fellowship.
  3. Contact information for two references.
    Successful applicants will be invited to interview with A19 staff in March.


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