2021 Women’s Congressional Policy Institute Congressional Fellowships on Women and Public Policy
Deadline: June 7, 2021.
The Women’s Congressional Policy Institute has been the home of the Congressional Fellowships on Women and Public Policy (formerly the WREI Fellowships) since 2014. The fellowships are extended each year to a select number of students pursuing a graduate degree or those who have recently completed a master’s, doctorate, or professional degree with a proven commitment to equity for women. Fellows gain practical policymaking experience and graduate credit as they work from January to July in Congressional offices.
- Students who currently are enrolled in a graduate program, or who have completed such a program within two years of the fellowship start date (January 2022), are eligible.
- WCPI strongly recommends that applicants complete at least nine hours of graduate coursework before applying and display serious interest in research and policymaking relevant to issues affecting women and their families.
- You must be legally eligible to work in the United States
Fellows will receive a stipend of approximately $3,400 gross per month for seven months (January-July). An additional sum of $1,000 is provided for the purchase of health insurance
- Fellows are selected on the basis of academic competence, as well as demonstrated interest in the public policy process.
- They must be articulate, adaptable, and have strong writing skills.
- Fellows may come from virtually any field.
- WCPI promotes equal opportunity in its fellowship program and welcomes qualified applicants of any age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, experience, political affiliation, and academic field. Fellows must be legally eligible to work in the United States.