2021 Open Society University Network (OSUN) Research Hub in Eastern Africa Fellowship
Deadline: March 19, 2021.
The Open Society University Network (OSUN) Research Hub in Eastern Africa invites applicants to a 10-month research fellowship. Selected Fellows will serve as the inaugural cohort for the Hub and will have the opportunity to work closely with faculty and OSUN leadership on setting the agenda and direction of the work.
Research proposals should focus on one of OSUN’s Academic Themes and should situate research in the region of Eastern Africa:
*Democratic Practice
*Human Rights
*Arts and Open Society
*Global Public Health
- They are prioritizing this fellowship for people from or working in Eastern Africa.
- The Hubs are also very interested in research related to pedagogical developments in marginalized settings.
- In addition to completing a research / writing project, fellows will support the development of OSUN’s Eastern Africa Research Hub.
- They will be required to participate in a monthly planning session with the Hub Leadership Team and affiliate faculty, as well as to present at least twice during the 10-month period to the OSUN Network.
- The fellowship will conclude with a January 2022 reflection session as well as a final presentation on the completed and publishable work.
- Fellows will receive a stipend of US $700 each month over a ten-month period.
- During the fellowship, recipients will be guided by an OSUN faculty member or other specialist for regular readvising and editorial input
- Candidates should submit a resume showing their interests and experience in conducting research, two letters of reference, a writing sample of not more than 10 pages, and a one-page proposal for the research and writing they propose to complete by the end of the fellowship period.
- The work can include written, audio or video material. Final submissions will need to be in complete, edited, publishable form by January 2022.
- Please send application materials to granato@bard.edu