2021 Michigan Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award (IRACDA) Post-Doctoral Program for US citizens
Deadline: February 15, 2021.
The Michigan IRACDA program is one of several NIH supported programs that trains post-doctoral fellows for research and teaching careers in academia. The goals of the program are to enhance research skills by providing mentored research experiences while developing teaching skills through assignments that promote the advancement of under-represented minorities. The Michigan IRACDA program operates through the departments of Biomedical Engineering and Molecular & Integrative Physiology.
Candidates should:
- Have clear and unambiguous interest in pursuing an academic career that includes teaching. Some prior teaching experience is preferred, but not required
- Be willing to commit 25% time to teaching during the first three years of this fellowship
- Commit to stay in the program for at least 3 years
- Have at least one first author publication during PhD period
- Have completed less than 2 years of previous postdoctoral training
- Be US citizen or permanent resident
- Trainees with underrepresented or disadvantaged backgrounds are encouraged to apply
To complete the application, candidate should have:
- CV or NIH-style biosketch – Please include the ‘personal statement’ section of the biosketch. In the publications section, please divide into original research papers, reviews, and submitted manuscripts. A sample from the NIH is available here.
- 1-2 page Personal Statement – (single space, 11 Arial font, 0.5 inch margins) This should include your motivation for applying to the Michigan IRACDA program, details of your research and teaching experience, proposed research, and future career plans after your postdoctoral training.
- Two confidential letters of recommendation. You will only need the names and contact information and letter requests will automatically be sent out by email. One of these letters should be from your thesis advisor.
- Names of 3-5 potential IRACDA mentors. Most mentors in any of the STEM disciplines should be eligible. You do not need to contact these mentors in advance, but we will make these connections if you are selected for an interview.
OFFICIAL LINK: https://iracda.umich.edu/