2021 LUCAS-LAHRI Virtual Research Fellowships Scheme for Academics in Africa
Deadline: March 8, 2021.
The Leeds University Centre for African Studies (LUCAS), in collaboration with the Leeds Arts and Humanities Research Institute (LAHRI), is pleased to announce a limited number of short-term virtual research fellowships for 2021.
The Virtual Research Fellowships are short-term (three-month) fellowships for academics based at institutions on the African continent, who through these positions will be given an opportunity to undertake a well-defined piece of research in collaboration with academics at Leeds. Each fellowship comes with an award of £1,000, to be used by the applicant for research expenses and/or buy-out from teaching duties at their institution.
- Candidates who have completed their PhD by the application deadline at any university are eligible, as long as they are currently based at an academic institution on the African continent.
- Proposals from Arts, Humanities, humanistic Social Sciences and adjacent disciplines are welcome as long as they broadly and critically engage with the theme of “African Knowledges for Global Challenges”.
- Applicants will have to confirm that a University of Leeds academic member of staff has agreed to support their application.
Each fellowship comes with an award of £1,000, to be used by the applicant for research expenses and/or buy-out from teaching duties at their institution.
OFFICIAL LINK: https://lucas.leeds.ac.uk/news/lucas-lahri-virtual-research-fellowships-scheme/