2021 L’Oréal-UNESCO Young Talents for Women in Science Program-Maghreb

Deadline: August 31, 2021.

The L’Oréal-UNESCO Young Talents for Women in Science program is committed to supporting the involvement of young women in scientific research. This program identifies and rewards brilliant young women researchers in life and environmental sciences, material sciences, mathematics, computer and information sciences, engineering sciences and technology. To date, more than 50 endowments have been awarded to young Maghrebi doctoral and post-doctoral students – for the excellence of their academic level, the originality of their scientific project, but also their desire to transmit their passion to the young.

The L’Oréal-UNESCO Young Talents for Women in Science program aims to promote and support the involvement of young women in scientific research. This program identifies and rewards talented young women researchers in life and environmental sciences, material sciences, mathematics, computer and information sciences, engineering and technology.


– Be enrolled in at least the second year of a doctorate (female doctoral candidates),

– Be in post-doctoral studies and have defended their thesis before the call for applications (post-doctoral candidates),

– To carry out her research work in the following countries MAroc Algeria Tunisia or Libya, in the fields of life and environmental sciences, matter, engineering, mathematics, computer and information sciences,

– Do not have a permanent position before receiving the Award.


The awarded post-doctoral fellows will each receive an endowment of €10,000. 


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