2021 African Academy of Sciences (AAS) Affiliates Programme
Deadline: July 23, 2021.
The AAS Affiliates Programme seeks early and mid-career scientists who demonstrate excellence in their development and application of science in Africa. These individuals become ‘Affiliate of the AAS’ for a period of five years during which they receive individualized professional development support and join a wider community of science leaders on the African continent.
- Must be an African national;
- Must have obtained their PhD in the last ten years;
- Must have substantial postdoctoral research experience;
- Must be aged 40 years and below by the 31st December of that year. Individual considerations will be made for female candidates above 40 years who have had career interruptions;
- Must be residing in or affiliated with an African higher education or research institution;
- Female candidates and candidates from under-represented disciplines and countries are especially encouraged to apply
- Quality of scientific outputs;
- Evidence of good academic citizenship;
- The strength of the applicant’s statement of interest;
- Applicant’s range of scientific awards and other recognitions;
- Engagement in other relevant professional activities.
- You will be recognized for your scientific excellence as ‘Affiliate of the AAS’ alongside The AAS Fellows
- You will receive individualized professional development planning support
- You will be enrolled into the AAS Mentorship Scheme during the five years
- You will benefit from a range of career development activities including but not limited to grant writing, publishing, science communication, ethical conduct of research, intellectual property issues, collaborative research, scientific entrepreneurship, etc.
- You will join a platform for networking and collaborating among early and mid-career researchers regionally and globally
- You will benefit from other AAS opportunities as they become available.
Please follow the instructions below. Applications must be received on or before 23rd, July 2021, 1800 Hrs East African Time.
- Follow this link to get to The AAS Ishango Online System: https://aasishango.ccgranttracker.com/
- Register as a new user if you have not used the system before. If you have used the system before, please proceed to step 4
- The system will email you a temporary password
- Follow the link https://aasishango.ccgranttracker.com/ again to access the system
- Go to Existing User and log in with your password (for first time users, you will be requested to replace your temporary password with one of your choice)
- Once you log in go to New Grant Application and go to click Here
- Select Call for The AAS Affiliates 2021, click Apply, tick the Eligibility Checkbox that pops up then click Apply again to begin filling in the online form
- Once you have provided all the required information, please validate and submit the form. You will receive an automatic email confirming your submission and a unique reference number for future communication regarding your application.